The original
series ran for three seasons, detailing three of the five years of the
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701's five year mission. TOS is set in the late
23rd century, before any of the movies, roughly a hundred years after
ENT and a hundred years before TNG.
In TOS, ships are fast, legs are visible, and time
travel is intimately related to FTL drive. Starfleet is small - when it
is "Starfleet" and not some other organization. The Enterprise is
considered an "Earth" ship in truth; the fleet to which the Enterprise
belongs seems to truly belong to Earth, although it acts with respect to
the Federation as a whole. Weapons, when they are seen, are quite
powerful; shields have curious vulnerabilities, but enormous strength
against brute force, while STL travel is limited.
Space is a wide open place, full of more advanced
beings as well as primitives, many of whom court self-annihilation.
Computers often go wild, and are vulnerable to errant philosophy. The
galaxy is acessible. Occasionally, the plot stretches beyond the galaxy,
which is surrounded by an energy barrier for some unknown reason.