In general terms, major factions in Star Wars
would appear to hold a greater number of worlds than most in Star Trek; even the Borg only hold directly "thousands"
of systems. It is not specifically known how many thousands are held, but
seems unlikely that this is greater than the hundred thousand systems held
by the Old Republic, although they may be just as widely spread. Given the heavy population
density and high personal maintainence requirements of Borg drones, Borg holdings
enjoy a collective level of civilian industrial development that may exceed that of the larger
Galactic Empire.
The assorted "familiar" powers, such as the UFP, Klingon Empire, Tholians, Romulan Star Empire,
Cardassian Empire, Ferengi Association, Breen, etc., control or claim between them all
roughly one fifth of the galaxy; the largest of these powers would appear to have
on the order of 1,000-10,000 inhabited worlds of note, which are probably no more
heavily settled on average than the worlds of the Galactic Empire, and therefore less
than those of the Republic preceding it.
The Galactic Empire thus rules over 100-1,000 times the population of a major Alpha/Beta
Quadrant power; the Republic contained a signficant fraction of this population.