"Crossover" - in the mirror
universe, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance controls the "entire quadrant." In "Prophet Motive," Quark suggests
the Nagus's plans involve taking financial control of the "entire quadrant."
"Visitors" - Deep
Space Nine is "hundreds of
light years" from Earth. "Family Business" places Cestus
III as being on the other end of the Federation from Deep Space Nine.
"For the Cause" -
dozens of Cardassian worlds have lost their industrial bases to Klingon
"Favor the Bold" -
there is a Vulcan border.
"Statistical Probabilities"
- the Jack pack was "carted
halfway across the quadrant." They project 900 billion
casualties upcoming in the Dominion War.
Map seen in "Waltz." The
Defiant would take twelve hours to reach, and two starships several
days to search the area. Map seen in "In the Pale Moonlight."
Map seen in "The Reckoning."
Red Squad is sent on a training mission - to circumnavigate the entire
Federation. Eight months later, they're running around enemy territory,
and can't figure out how to get past warp 3.2.