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It would sound like music, and the music would sound good

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:43 pm
by Trinoya
This was brought on by a rather dull series of events, which included the muppet show no less (hence the title). I personally think it's brought on by a lack of caffeine, but screw it, I think it has a point, somewhere in there, and I think that point is truly important. Ultimately I ended up getting convinced that I should post it and see what other people think about it, so sure, why not... I figure I wouldn't be doing it justice if I didn't allow it to be read by at least a few more people. I also decided not to bother rewriting or editing it either since that would ruin it I think. Long story short, I'm fed up with the two party system stagnating like it is... and well, here is a musical themed rant in regards to it.

Err, anyway, enjoy, or not. ^_^
The Orchestra 'Party.'
Hi, thanks for taking a moment of your day to read this. I hope I can persuade you to at least think about my words here, even if I can’t persuade you to agree with them. I hope you forgive me for being a bit long winded.. I’m not exactly a political genius, and I’m certainly not perfect.
A few hundred years ago a group of men got together and determined that they would strive to make a more perfect Union. They screwed up and realized they had created some flaws that needed to be worked out. Fix the kinks. One thing led to another and here we are today, in the United States of America, still standing, a word power, and a two party system in place.

You may not be able to hear it, but I sigh at that last thought…

You see, at its core, there is nothing wrong with the concept of a two party system… it works to a certain degree, but it too has flaws, and one of those flaws has crippled the United States. You see, our system worked for a while until recently, when it stagnated.
Let me elaborate for you. People are now allied with one part or another so much that they hear the song through the noise. This has caused government to stagnate and lose sight of the real issues our nation faces in a weakening economy, and worse, a weakening political position in world. Our founding fathers were not perfect men… they saw an issue with representation and took a stand; they risked their lives for it… how many of our leaders today would risk their lives for our nation? None? All? You tell me, I don’t know.
I digress to the previous point, our founding fathers. To be honest, if our founding fathers came back today, they’d be dumbfounded at what happened, at where they went wrong. They’d have no context for the changed world and they would not understand even why our stars numbered 50. However, these men would understand that our government is there to represent and rule. We elect these men and women to do just that, and they’d realize that the primary tenant, their striving goals, that all men are created equal and deserve equal representation, have been achieved, and has stood the test of time… while they may have wondered where they went wrong, they’d certainly know where they went RIGHT. Representation.
Representation... This is a term many politicians throw around without understanding the responsibility it truly entails. It is not YOUR opinion, it is not the opinion of YOUR party, it is the opinion of the people you represent that should be important. If you believe in law A, but all who you represent believe in law B, it is your DUTY, REGARDLESS of your political affiliation, to vote for those you represent, but more importantly, it is your duty to actually vote, to represent… Your job is to create law, to govern, or to otherwise represent a group of people. This is the job of the government, and it’s one that they often choose to not do.
The reason for this is because they believe they are representing their party, not their state, not their nation, not their county, not their city, not their district, just their party. This is simply not true, and shouldn’t be considered so. It’s wrong, and it is offensive the very nature of our nation. We have a duty to reason, and reason should state we should talk before we walk away, we should walk away before we fight. We have a duty to honor, to having pride, but to also be humble. We should respect those who we talk to, we should stand up for what we believe in, but we should not be so full of ourselves as to be unable to compromise. We shouldn’t start a fight, but we should always finish one, and we should never shun the ideals or opinions of others, for only through the freedom of that speech (and the freedom of diversity!) do we truly understand the great masterpiece that is the United States.

So this “party,” the Orchestra, believes that only true music, that is true political form and style, can come from a group working together towards that goal of representation and crafting legislation. We want for your tired, your poor, your African, your white, your Hispanic, your Asian, your fascist, your kings, your lords, your faithful, and your faithless. We want all the wholes of all of America, in all its parts, to stand up and take part in this movement and to understand that yes we have differences, and it’s through those differences that we grow strong… that diversity in politics is a must, and listening to differing opinions is a must! Economic growth and political development in this nation occurs with both sides, both parties, come together to find their common ground… and this party, this orchestra, deems that we must do just that. No matter our individual beliefs or understanding of a topic or opinion, no matter what labels such as conservative, green, liberal, or hell even apathetic that we choose to apply to ourselves… we stand by that masterful symphony that is our nation, we assert to follow that song written long ago, to follow that dream of representation, to go to its dramatic conclusion, or soft simple refrain, to enjoy the crescendos, to ponder the interval, and to appreciate the harmony. We assert that “We the People” is in fact the most important part of the constitution, and that we damn well better make sure to start working on that more perfect Union.
We assert that whatever pain we bring upon ourselves, whatever trials and triumphs this nation has had, it has had it together… black or white, republican or democrat, old and young… we are here in this nation together, and we better get used to it. We better work towards that goal of not having this nation perish from the Earth, because if we do not work at all, that’s exactly what will happen.
I feel I’ve gotten off point, and I know I’ve become far too verbose for some… so please forgive me, I shall endeavor to wrap this up…
Right now we live in a nation where compromise is gone. We all want to be number 1 and damn everything that stands in that way. We want OUR team to win, it’s our way or the highway… this party says this, so I’m going to say that and never work with them is a normal refrain I hear. Simply put, if we keep that up then we have no way to make our music heard. However; we have a choice to change that. We have a choice to pick up our instruments and use them as they were meant to be used. We have a choice to play together and make a beautiful diverse piece, vibrant and radiant as the sun itself, to be heard across the world and across time. We have a choice to make it work… and the people who choose to not work? Those who don’t wish to play… I doubt their songs will be heard at all.
I don’t know about you… but I want that place to be played.
Thank you again for reading this.

Re: It would sound like music, and the music would sound goo

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:46 pm
by sonofccn
I thank you for a rather composed and nice thoughts on the matter. It was civil and earnest if a little rambling but as a member of the loyal opposition I'm afraid it didn't sway me.

America sits at a crossroads with two fates and two ideologies which can not be reconciled to each other. What the two parties believe, or claim to believe as the case may be, are 180 degrees from each other and they both can't be true. One is wrong and one is right and the other will only lead to ruin. I can't support "comprimises" which serve only to lessen our fall instead of reversing it and I can't ask the otherside to comprimise their belief either. All we can do is play the game and see who comes up the victor.

Re: It would sound like music, and the music would sound goo

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:42 pm
by Cocytus
Politics is an ugly, vile business by and large, with genuinely good, well-intentioned and honest people being few and far between. But as someone once said, "those who abstain from it consign themselves to the rule of lesser men."

If one takes a broad enough view of history, one will find parallels to much of what is going on right now. This is why I reject this sentimentalist notion of "it was better when." Chances are it really wasn't. I don't think compromise is dead. Oh sure, there are things going on in American politics right now that make me so angry I say "screw it, bring on Civil War II." Then I take a step back, and look at some portion of history that contains meaningful analogues to modern situations, and I calm down. We survived that, we'll survive this.

Re: It would sound like music, and the music would sound goo

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:09 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
The system is so broken that it naturally filters out dissenting voices. Hell, why should there even be two sides only? And what's so democratic about a party that seems to care less about the democracy as put into the Constitution, and what so republican about a party that is wishing for a system where a Republic is probably on the bottom of the list?