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Re: Liberals vs Conservatives: History

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:40 pm
by StarWarsStarTrek
Praeothmin wrote:Indeed, I re-read about the Democrats, and at first the party was created with the Republicans, and thus were the Democratic-Republican party.
But they were ultra-conservative for less than 50 years, than became closer in view to the Democrats we know today because of the civil war, more than 140 years ago...
So they have been liberals far longer than conservatives, it seems...
First, please tell me where you "re-read" about the Democrats. Google-fu classes?

Second, it's still irrelevant. We aren't arguing parties, we're arguing ideologies. Fact: conservatives were against the abolition of slavery. In fact, by definition they were, because they were against radical changes, and abolishing slavery was a radical change. Not to mention that the same people supporting slavery were the same people supporting states rights and family values; sound like a familiar side of the spectrum?

Hence why senators arguing for equal rights for African Americans were called radicals, not reactionaries.

There's a reason why African Americans are almost entirely liberal.

Re: Liberals vs Conservatives: History

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:35 pm
by Praeothmin
Yup, it seems I got everything wrong here, because I read about Republicans or Democrats, but then there were the National Republican party, the Democratic Republican party, etc, etc...

Anyways, of course conservatives will actually vote the, ah, conservative way, and while I am much more liberal than conservative, I sometimes agree a bit of conservatism is not that bad...

But, about this:
Which side has lower average IQ's?
Some studies say the Liberals, some say the Conservatives...

Still up for debate...

Re: Liberals vs Conservatives: History

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:52 pm
by Admiral Breetai
SWST still pretends a high IQ means anything..some of the most intelligent minds of the twentieth century became die hard radical nazis