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Mr. Oragahn
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Post by Mr. Oragahn » Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:13 am

Praeothmin wrote:Oragahn, I too sometimes despair in humanity's case when I look at the masses, and the news.
But, then I look at my friends, at the people around me, my friends, my colleagues, my family, and I feel good about the world, because I figure, as long as there will be people like the ones I know, the world isn't such a bad place...

I understand... *sigh*
But these lives do not matter to all. There is an amount of cynical beings...

EDIT: no offense, man. ;)

sonofccn wrote:The news likes to be bleak. Bleak sells, sunshine doesn't.
Now I'm not saying we, humans in general, have our share of problems and issues. We are a flawed race but you have to focus on the good and work to improve that. Just keep an eye on the bad to keep it in check. :)
The false promise of sunshine sells even more, but I do find relief in good news, when I'm lucky to hear about them. There is an important amount of positive thinking and creative work to share, which can be found all around, even in the TV when you want, although I find most of it on Internet, the real refuge.
Where is this? Did Obama sign a law I wasn't aware of or is this another country? Sorry in advance I tend to forget which nation everyone is from.
Obama didn't sign anything going against the law put into place by Bush.
But the country in question is not the United States of America.
It is one which has been slowly and meticulously infiltrated. The regulation organ of communications has strengthened its grip, and crushed the very core rules of our Constitution. I could put an s there, as it happens in many places. Constitutions, cherishing the value and virtue of liberties, are ignored.
The sum of details forms the structure of a reality which is occulted to most.
It requires efforts, work, curiosity and a will to be truly free to come to this realization.

Now, if you want to get a taste of what is occurring in the USA, to see the tip of the iceberg, click here.
Eventually, remember the meaning of documentary, tolerance and the fundamental essence of the will to understand a situation from opposed perspectives, and then ask yourself where the danger truly comes from.
I won't argue that man has a need to belong to something greater then himself but your argumant is that there is something preventing people from truly being themselves. We all chose to make that jump or not. If conforming gave them that much displeasure they could change and no one could stop them.
I'm afraid the pressure comes from the social diktat, the large broadcast, which does not encourage people to be unique, but will, on the best end of all, tell you to adhere to groups which supposedly make you very different, by flocking with millions like you. This pseudo difference has a substantial cash value attached to it.
I put my faith in the free market for that. The more effort , in terms of time or skill, you put in the more reward you recieve. It is the only fair system.
It is your choice to sacrifice your life to enhance your life. But the question is, where do we all start from?
I must ask by what criteria is usefulness defined? I would think any task that someone is willing to trade credits,food,money, time for in exchange for it being completed therefore is useful.
How would you feel if you realized that as you pour your life into hard labour, the fruits are reaped by a machine which does not acknowledge your existence, and feeds a greater clockwork mechanism that maintains you into a perpetual cycle of waste and minimal retribution, forbidding you from trading your life as you see fit, for the exchange of ideas, joy, culture, art, peace, true knowledge, sport, creativity and exploration?
Simple. We won't There will always be injustice, poor and uncontented people for as long as we exist. That doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to improve ourselves but asking for perfection is a fool's errand.
It is. However, this does not satisfy my curiosity. My question remains answered. ;)
Okay I understand what your saying now. I don't in theroy see anything wrong with credit.
May I take this as a demonstration that the spirit of our current time succeeds?
As you said buying a car or a house with cash on hand would be difficult at best. However yes within the last couple of generations everybody wanted everything and spares to go with it. The problem however will correct itself as we are witnessing. Bad behavior will always be punished eventually.
I don't see any correction. The issues will be circumvented by gathering people in greater cities, so if a place to live they need, a small box they shall have by default, and if a mean of transportation they require, the network will assure their displacement, to manage the mass with greater ease.
The liberty of owning your own car would disappear. So would its purpose.
I would say that for Autism, diabetes and cancer it reflects us beating back the other more deadly plauges upon mankind. We don't die of smallpox, or chicken pox anymore.
So if I understand, it's nothing more than a trade of duplicity or something, since we're all naturally bumfucked in the beginning and the end?
Oh yep! :D
We live far beyond 40-60 years most humans were alloted for most of human history. All this takes it tolls on us. Give us time and we'll beat back everything except dieing of heart failure at a hundred of something infront of the tv. :)
There are shades of gray, assuredly, and I'm grateful for what makes us better. But there are burdens which humanity does not need.
Nor do I think it's the right path to follow, the one that leads future generations to a state wherein they would be genetically dependent on the D industry.
I'm not ashamed. I'd advise you gather quite some spare time, and only then wander there, to follow the multiple paths.
Last edited by Mr. Oragahn on Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Tyralak » Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:15 am

Wow. Y'all need some sunlight, Prozac or both.

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Post by Airlocke_Jedi_Knight » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:17 am

Tyralak wrote:Wow. Y'all need some sunlight, Prozac or both.
No, no, probably not. That would do nothing at all. 'Cept piss me off, because it is another form of control. Just because some people see the world differently( albeit pessimistically), medication is shoved down their throats. No one seems to tolerate someone who expresses different views from themselves. Your comment is proof of that.

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Post by Praeothmin » Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:57 pm

Airlocke wrote:medication is shoved down their throats. No one seems to tolerate someone who expresses different views from themselves.
I think it's more a question of not being able to fully undestand how someone can see things so negatively compared to their own experiences...

I do agree though, that medication is too often seen as a solution, rather then as it should be seen: a help in treatment that should only be use sparingly and when absolutely necessary...

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Post by Airlocke_Jedi_Knight » Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:48 pm

Praeothmin wrote: I think it's more a question of not being able to fully understand how someone can see things so negatively compared to their own experiences...
Medication isn't only overused in this manner, for this specific problem. Medication is often used to "straighten people out" so that they fit into society more smoothly. Overall, my outlook isn't so bleak. There are many amazing things in our world, there are just some things in society that disgust me.

The thing that bothers me the most, is that people who are different, including those with physical deformities or mental deficiencies, are treated as being inferior beings. People who can think for themselves and question orders when they are flawed or pointless, instead of blindly obeying, are also in this group. People alienate that which is alien to them. Even I, someone who hates this action, am guilty of it to some degree. It is nothing but a product of effective social brainwashing, and I hate it.

Not everyone is guilty of this, and even those who are not directly at fault, and there are even positive things about society. Sometimes I may make things sound more severe than I actually think them to be.

Don't thing me to too pessimistic, even if some of my views are rather dark.

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Post by Tyralak » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:13 pm

Airlocke_Jedi_Knight wrote:
Tyralak wrote:Wow. Y'all need some sunlight, Prozac or both.
No, no, probably not. That would do nothing at all. 'Cept piss me off, because it is another form of control. Just because some people see the world differently( albeit pessimistically), medication is shoved down their throats. No one seems to tolerate someone who expresses different views from themselves. Your comment is proof of that.
I was being facetious. I was trying to point out in a humorous way the Bob Haller type pessimism that a few of you guys are displaying. Seeing things differently is one thing, but seriously, if you feel that way all the time, it's not as healthy thing.

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Post by Airlocke_Jedi_Knight » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:30 pm

Everyone who has posted their pessimistic views of the world has stated quite clearly that they are not complaining or depressed, and that there are many positive things in their lives.

Seeing and identifying a problem that no one else seems to care about is not depression. I spend my most of my time goofing off, having fun. I enjoy my life right now, but I still have these views of the world. Pessimism is not a treatable disease, nor should it be considered a disease. Hell, I'm not even pessimistic most of the time, I just see things differently.

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Post by ILikeDeathNote » Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:36 am

You know, and no offense, but I think it's time to sum up my thoughts on this thread in the simplest manner possible:


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Post by Tyralak » Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:23 am

Airlocke_Jedi_Knight wrote:Everyone who has posted their pessimistic views of the world has stated quite clearly that they are not complaining or depressed, and that there are many positive things in their lives.

Seeing and identifying a problem that no one else seems to care about is not depression. I spend my most of my time goofing off, having fun. I enjoy my life right now, but I still have these views of the world. Pessimism is not a treatable disease, nor should it be considered a disease. Hell, I'm not even pessimistic most of the time, I just see things differently.
Well, I'm coming from a little different spot I guess. I'm a highly cynical person, and I've struggled with bipolar my whole life. I had to fight really hard to see any kind of light at the end of the tunnel, and still do. Maybe I misunderstood the thrust of the thread.

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Post by ILikeDeathNote » Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:01 pm

Tyralak wrote: Maybe I misunderstood the thrust of the thread.

This is the thrust of the thread, as best as I can figure.

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Post by Mr. Oragahn » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:15 am

ILikeDeathNote wrote:Image
That flower is probably a GMO.

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Post by sonofccn » Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:36 pm

Mr. Oragahn wrote:Obama didn't sign anything going against the law put into place by Bush.
But the country in question is not the United States of America.
It is one which has been slowly and meticulously infiltrated. The regulation organ of communications has strengthened its grip, and crushed the very core rules of our Constitution. I could put an s there, as it happens in many places. Constitutions, cherishing the value and virtue of liberties, are ignored.
The sum of details forms the structure of a reality which is occulted to most.
It requires efforts, work, curiosity and a will to be truly free to come to this realization.
What is the channel? It isn't the iran supported channel is it?
Now, if you want to get a taste of what is occurring in the USA, to see the tip of the iceberg, click here.
Eventually, remember the meaning of documentary, tolerance and the fundamental essence of the will to understand a situation from opposed perspectives, and then ask yourself where the danger truly comes from.
I'm not sure what tolerance or understanding has to do with arresting two Hizzibola(sp?)
I'm afraid the pressure comes from the social diktat, the large broadcast, which does not encourage people to be unique, but will, on the best end of all, tell you to adhere to groups which supposedly make you very different, by flocking with millions like you. This pseudo difference has a substantial cash value attached to it.
Hmmm...interesting. I belive humans are hardwired to belong, it is part of our core programing. This social diktat you see is merely a reflection of this and thus can not be helped.
It is your choice to sacrifice your life to enhance your life. But the question is, where do we all start from?
How else can you expect to improve you lot without sacrifice and hard work?
How would you feel if you realized that as you pour your life into hard labour, the fruits are reaped by a machine which does not acknowledge your existence, and feeds a greater clockwork mechanism that maintains you into a perpetual cycle of waste and minimal retribution, forbidding you from trading your life as you see fit, for the exchange of ideas, joy, culture, art, peace, true knowledge, sport, creativity and exploration?
Agent's Voice:That's called the Matrix and it doesn't exist. You've been warned.

In answer to your question if something forced me to do anything then I would be outraged however this "machine" has no power over me that I don't let it. In exchange for services I recieve food/shelter which in turn frees up my time from doing to perform culture, art, true knowledge. I am not forbiden from doing anything.
May I take this as a demonstration that the spirit of our current time succeeds
I would , in my opinion, say no. There is nothing wrong in theroy with credit. The problem stemmed from people assuming they would never pay the piper, living beyond ones means. That of course is the problem between theroy and pratice.
I don't see any correction
I would think the housing bubble, collasping econmony would be great motivators for living within ones means, saving money, assuming that still has value in a month, etc. It may be harsh but by being burned people will learn and corrections will be made.
The issues will be circumvented by gathering people in greater cities, so if a place to live they need, a small box they shall have by default, and if a mean of transportation they require, the network will assure their displacement, to manage the mass with greater ease.
The liberty of owning your own car would disappear. So would its purpose.
That will at best merely delay the inevitable. These cities would in turn collasp into themselves with decay, without funds those public transports would cease to function very shortly. The survivers will learn thier lesson and mend their ways. So to carry things to final conclusion either mankind learns and adapts as he had since time immortal or he dies out. It is that easy.
There are shades of gray, assuredly, and I'm grateful for what makes us better. But there are burdens which humanity does not need.
Nor do I think it's the right path to follow, the one that leads future generations to a state wherein they would be genetically dependent on the D industry.
The current generation is for all intents and purpuse genetically dependent on industry now. If all companies were to leave Earth tommorow just how many people do you think would survive once we consumed the already processed food,fuel,clothes? I'm not advocating getting us hooked on drug like the Jem'dar but realisticly I fail to see any greater dependency then we currently have.

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