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Star Wars verse Star Trek cloak techology either worka again

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:52 am
by Jasonb
Cloak device when comes to Star Wars depend magmatic shield that effective gravity of the around it. Way of over coming that at least come tracking torpedoes. Fact Starships in Clone wars did carry the type sensors track starship cloak device possible us laser lack accuracy combine Jedi out flake any-case. Possible now location much limit means that possible hit very low.

Surprising this cloak device cat and mouse would make joke out of the Star War way pick it up accord to the Star War none cannon books. Romulus commander talk good system design pick Romulus cloak ships include subpace listing post gravity sensor even United Federation Tachyon detection grid. How would the magnetic shields work against UFP sensor in general.

Answer is not well since cloak device not even design around idea of subspace listing post.

Star Trek cloak device work against the Star War sensors. Will UFP used gravity sensors to pick starships. Argue Star War magnetic sensors not pick is iffy at best. On other hand with subspace it not to account since make object lot lighter normal is. Chance item mass not enough prevent them pick but enough make all ways messing object now distance unless