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RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Prequels.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:23 am
by Picard

Frankly, Lucas is smarter than I thought. I did notice connecting elements, but I didn't really take a systematic look at them like writer of the above article did.

Re: RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Preque

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:58 am
by Mr. Oragahn
Picard wrote:

Frankly, Lucas is smarter than I thought. I did notice connecting elements, but I didn't really take a systematic look at them like writer of the above article did.
LOL it's all about spotting the similarities and bridge, which fans have done to death on SW boards, TFN and else, but now there needs to be an academic thesis to elevate that amusing exercise that's hardly that subtle to the rank of... what? Supercomplex clockwork-like film making?
The pompous and highbrow splattering of verbose.
It's just that Lucas didn't deliver. Lancashire really misses the point.

And geez... making a "serious" book about The Phantom Menace? How can someone be desperate enough to lower oneself to that?

Re: RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Preque

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:31 am
by Darth Spock
I only skimmed the article, but it is interesting, if a bit overly glorifying of the pair of trilogies. Still, when it suddenly hit me back when, that the sloppy recycling was more trouble to stick in than could result from simple laziness, my opinions of the prequels were a lot higher than they had been, not that I was ever a full on prequel hater. I can't help but wonder how the new trilogy will fit in with this symmetrical pairing, especially if they follow Lucas' original notes. I recall reading in an old issue of Star Wars Insider that Lucas had plot outlines for episodes 7, 8 and 9 way back when as well. Ugh, what issue was that, there was an interview of someone who evidently had a chance to read them over.... Bleh, my memory is shot, and my old issues are buried somewhere in the basement.

Re: RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Preque

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:08 am
by Mr. Oragahn
I honestly don't get what's so amazing about it. The whole fuss... flies above my head.
I mean, right there from the trailers a decade ago, fans were already seeing this as it hardly was that subtle. Oh look dude loses a hand. Oh look Anie fails, but his son follows a similar path, straight from the same shithole at the end of the world, and winz.
Oh, isn't that like Cloud City, but with more water now? Wait, that corridor Hadokin and Beardie fight in, I'm sure I saw something similar in the future... I mean, the next movies which were done before. Frak me, that's a paradox. Hey, look, I think the third movie that comes before the old ones that come after opens up with a space battle, all with the imperial chair Palpabline sits in, enjoying the show through the windows, with not-X-wings zipping and, err... oh Ani kills the bad guy, and falls into the big black dark side of the Force.
I also might be wrong but I think (demoted) Padmé kinda reminds me of Pinchess Lay'ah.
Plus she wears white stuff when kicking arse.
To say nothing of the mirror shots, like Anakin staring at the lake and Vador staring at the stars. Etc.

Ring theory?

Re: RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Preque

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:48 pm
by Darth Spock
Mr. Oragahn wrote:I honestly don't get what's so amazing about it. The whole fuss... flies above my head.
I mean, right there from the trailers a decade ago, fans were already seeing this as it hardly was that subtle.
Yes, well, it's not really subtle, but at least it's better than the lazy recycling I first thought it to be. More interesting, I think, was his decision to start the series with episode 4. Really, was it just dumb luck? I wonder if he knew trying to launch his "space epic" with all the thrills of trade disputes and such would be doomed to abysmal failure without having an eager fan base to feed it to. HA! I can just picture the 1977 version of The Phantom Menace, and the obscure place it would hold in cinema history, with a peculiar cult following a few dozen strong, obsessed with the potential the series had. Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing that, kind of like Steam Trek.
Mr. Oragahn wrote:Ring theory?
MMMMM those look good. Wait, does that say calamar-- Oh crap IT'S A TRAP!!!

Re: RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Preque

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:01 am
by Mr. Oragahn
Darth Spock wrote:
Mr. Oragahn wrote:I honestly don't get what's so amazing about it. The whole fuss... flies above my head.
I mean, right there from the trailers a decade ago, fans were already seeing this as it hardly was that subtle.
Yes, well, it's not really subtle, but at least it's better than the lazy recycling I first thought it to be. More interesting, I think, was his decision to start the series with episode 4. Really, was it just dumb luck? I wonder if he knew trying to launch his "space epic" with all the thrills of trade disputes and such would be doomed to abysmal failure without having an eager fan base to feed it to. HA! I can just picture the 1977 version of The Phantom Menace, and the obscure place it would hold in cinema history, with a peculiar cult following a few dozen strong, obsessed with the potential the series had. Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing that, kind of like Steam Trek.
Picture the podracing with the early VFX tools, not even like those of ROTJ. Only fixed side views of small fake models seen moving fast in front of orange walls representing canyon cliffs.
The entire Jar Jar clown would have been as stiff as a lolipop.
It would have been radically different, but it's also pretty sure GL never had plans for them that early. He was heavily influenced by The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which dealt with archetypical heroes. Luke Skywalker's story did fit into that. If anything, I even remember that the Vader being Luke's father wasn't totally GL's idea, if not at all.

Mr. Oragahn wrote:Ring theory?
MMMMM those look good. Wait, does that say calamar-- Oh crap IT'S A TRAP!!!
I usually find them chewy.


Re: RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Preque

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:12 am
by Sideswipe
Darth Spock wrote:More interesting, I think, was his decision to start the series with episode 4. Really, was it just dumb luck? I wonder if he knew trying to launch his "space epic" with all the thrills of trade disputes and such would be doomed to abysmal failure without having an eager fan base to feed it to. [/url]

Personally, I think all that stuff he said about having it all planned out before hand is pure Lucas bullshit. He was making it up as he went along.

Re: RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Preque

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:28 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
Sideswipe wrote:
Darth Spock wrote:More interesting, I think, was his decision to start the series with episode 4. Really, was it just dumb luck? I wonder if he knew trying to launch his "space epic" with all the thrills of trade disputes and such would be doomed to abysmal failure without having an eager fan base to feed it to. [/url]

Personally, I think all that stuff he said about having it all planned out before hand is pure Lucas bullshit. He was making it up as he went along.
Pretty much that, as I'm equally certain he made the prequels and CGI show to increase the valuation of his empire. Then suddenly the highest bidder says enough is enough, one more year of that shit and they're out, so Lucas panics and stops his latest CGI series without a proper ending.

Re: RING THEORY: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Preque

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:01 am
by Darth Spock
Mr. Oragahn wrote:
Sideswipe wrote: Personally, I think all that stuff he said about having it all planned out before hand is pure Lucas bullshit. He was making it up as he went along.
Pretty much that, as I'm equally certain he made the prequels and CGI show to increase the valuation of his empire. Then suddenly the highest bidder says enough is enough, one more year of that shit and they're out, so Lucas panics and stops his latest CGI series without a proper ending.
Well, I don't imagine a massive 12 episode script has been sitting around since the 1970's, but I could see there being very basic ideas involving the rise and fall of an old republic, followed by the rise and fall of an evil empire, followed by... what would be episodes 7-9. Of course the basic patterns undoubtedly would follow tried and true formulas and references from mythology and history.

I wonder if "Mr. Highest Bidder" regrets cutting the Clone Wars off early though. From what I've seen, the new Rebels show doesn't have even half the viewers SW:TCW enjoyed during its premiers. Unless of course the tally fails to account for online viewers at the Disney site.