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USS Enterpise D in Saucer separation Yesterday Enterpise

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:55 am
by Jasonb
Why did the USS Enterprise D not us Saucer Separation option in Star Trek yesterday Enterprise.
Main reasons I can think is that USS Enterprise D did not have the able to do it. Why did UFP design the Galaxy class battleship out the able to Saucer separation. Likely answer go down how many build a year. First Galaxy class starship that can do has two bridges. Basic put it UFP took put all things to USS Enterprise D. Imagine how much faster been build one did put all those things in it. Take battle Bridge and Galaxy class battleship did not have labs in them. They put everything place few months rather take nearly year.

by way this my theory why UFP able build Galaxy class starship lot faster during the Dominion war.

Re: USS Enterpise D in Saucer separation Yesterday Enterpise

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:02 am
by Cocytus
It appears the Federation greatly stepped up production of the Galaxy Class after the start of the Dominion War. The "dark-neck" version from "Favor the Bold," IIRC, along with Galaxy Wings mentioned by Sisko in the opening minutes of the battle in "Sacrifice of Angels."
SoAGalaxies Layout1a (1).jpg
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're stating the UFP produced barebones battle-ready versions of the Galaxy devoid of scientific facilities and creature comforts. Sounds reasonable.

Re: USS Enterpise D in Saucer separation Yesterday Enterpise

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:09 am
by 2046
Huh . . . 9 of them. I don't think I ever saw them counted before. Nice.