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What if MACO was not disband and they had squad of them on USS Shenzhou would they been able capture T'Kuvma alive

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 6:17 pm
by Jasonbelkin
Simple put it Philippa Georgiou and Mike beam over to the Kligon flag ship capture T'Kuvma alive let say that MACO was not disband. Now first question is why did Caption Philippa and her first officer go beam to the Kligion flag ship aim to capture T'Kuvma their leader. Why security team with chief of security do the job. Now sad Starfleet security does seem need know to do hand to hand combat train and they seem to depend on hand phaser use none lethal force. Sad part Philippa first officer might only one that has training to use none lethal force in close combat and Caption Philippa seem to know at least some hand to hand combat train. I not saying that Starfleet does not train starfleet officer in hand to hand combat training for that matter Caption Pike in Star Trek 2009 request officers that pass advance hand to hand combat training course. It just stander Starfleet security not required to pass it.

Now MACO basic special force that is very good come to none lethal force and taking people alive. Basic at least NX Enteprise each member MACO was armed stun baton and know use to disarm opponent and knock them out. Now if MACO not disband this play big role. T'Kuvma try same stun he be as good captured. This does not go into stun grenades and every thing which done rest job.
But, that my option what you guys think happen if MACO was not disband and squad was beam on to Kligion flag ship to capture T'Kuvma