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System governance vs Multi-system entities

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:25 am
by Jedi Master Spock
After the US midterm elections hit the news, I am reminded of the very open question of how the governments of Trek and Wars are arranged.

I think we'll probably go to the expanded universes for this one, but what I'm particularly interested is in the relationship between the local planetary governments and the overarching multi-system confederations... and particularly in just how much local independence planets have.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:19 am
by GStone
For both, at least for longer with Wars, I get the feeling it's kinda like how the wild west was to the urbanized east coast, especially before the country extended all the way to the pacific. You could get the federalis out there, but it'd take a bit. Contact with the west was limited more to trade routes and travelers than regular federal employees on a regular basis. So, locals seemed to have greater power than one would think with a federal government. There were attempts of corrupting the federalis or killing them and blaming it on accidents and horses spooked by snakes. The more the government expanded, the quicker it could get to places and the more power it could exert over a shorter time frame.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:44 am
by AnonymousRedShirtEnsign
I get the feeling that although the United Federation of Planets is a confederation of allied systems it seems more like a democratic republic. Especially since we don't see any non-starfleet UFP ships fighting in the dominion war.

The Romulans are based on Rome in pretty much every facet of their society. Their government seems to be in a state of flux, though it is unknown how long this has been happening, according to Shinzon the leadership of Romulus changes often. Despite this, the Romulan federal government seems to have a great deal of control, probably due to the Tal Shiar.

The Klingon Empire has a ruling council of nobles with a sybolic emperor figure head. The Klingons may be changing their policies regarding nobility since the chancellor of the high council is a commoner. As for federal vs local, I think the federal government doesn't get involved unless it deems it necessary.

The Cardassian Union was a totalitarian single party system, until it was over thrown by the people, who gave Dukat the power to sell Cardassia to the Dominion, and now I don't have a ******* clue. It will probably become "Federationized" like the Ferengi.

The Empire as of ANH has the Emperor and his appointed governors. Like with the Klingons I see the Emperor keeping a fairly loose leash on the governors unless they get out of line.

As for the Republic of the PT it seems like it used to have a strong federal government, but in recent decades it has been in decline due to self-serving politicians and a lack of a national goal. So systems are finding themselves with more power for local governance, but less federal protection.