Star Wars: Fighters vs Capital Ships revisited

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Post by Nonamer » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:57 am

Gandalf wrote:
Anything that has more to do with a school than a church.
Right a series of books written by a sciencetist with solid logic, reasoning and methodalogy on his side. What exactly are you and your chorts bringing to the table?
I'm slightly offended by this statement. For starters, this is a appeal to authority. There's also been numerous attempts to qualify the concept of "God" in the church via logic and reasoning, but none of it changes the fact that it is still just religion.

Anyone who paid attention to the debate will quickly find that the ICS ridiculously contradicts the movies and simply lacks plausibility altogether. Whether you use complex analysis or simple ones doesn't change the fact that it's simply wrong.

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Post by Jedi Master Spock » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:32 am

Gandalf wrote:Actually that whole scene reveals both Lando's and Ackbars ignorance of military tactics both past and present. During the opening battle in ROTS, Republic and CIS forces are observed fighting at "knife range", in fact there is a shot of a Venator boarding a Trade Federation Battleship. Clearly these tactics had existed previously and a General and an Admiral should have been aware of there use and trained in them.
This is actually not an exhibition of ignorance, but a demonstration of inconsistency between ROTJ and ROTS. The omniscient narrator makes it perfectly clear how shocking the close range combat is seen.

No surprise, that, everybody flubs a detail once in a while.
I see nothing out of the ordinary there, it's well known that concussion missiles are designed to take out armoured targets while proton torpedos are designed for unarmoured targets. Lando could simply have been briefed on what weapons would be most useful against the Death Star's reactor prior to the attack but not have had time for a general work up of Alliance capabilities.
Something as general as the order of magnitude of the firepower of the light ships he would be commanding?

I don't believe that sending the Falcon inside the Death Star was the original mission plan, but having Lando in command of Alliance fighters was.
I'd say he knows as much as any amateur.
By definition, he is a professional... and I would expect even an "amateur" military hardware buff to know something so basic as the ability of fighters to hurt (or not hurt, as the case may be) capital ships.

Appealing to Lando's ignorance is simply not justified. It's a remarkable claim to start with; we usually don't claim that level of ignorance among fighter pilots. A claiming of that level of ignorance for the hot-shot general who came up with the winning strategy in the most important fleet engagement in the Star Wars hexology (and was in direct command of the Alliance's fighters in that battle) requires very solid evidence.

This substantial justification is not only absent, but a very solid body of evidence supports Lando being an expert or even an outright genius in Star Wars military matters.

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Post by AnonymousRedShirtEnsign » Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:48 am

Wow, I guess I missed a lot while watching the Super Bowl. One thing I would like to add (this is directed at Gandalf) is that claiming that "the ICS is based on the films" and "the ICS is supported by science" are themselves unsupported claims. If you can prove those then I believe everyone here would agree that the ICS is an accurate representation of the Star Wars hexology. Until you can show that the ICS is right your arguments will continue to be shot down. Oh, and your "Lando is stupid" idea is completely baseless.

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Post by Mr. Oragahn » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:44 pm

Gandalf wrote:
Mr. Oragahn wrote:
You've said that fighters and bombers only attack unshielded ships which have suffered heavy bombardment from other capital ships.
This point adress I did.
First, the lack of logic of relying on fighters to finish off the job that the capital ships could do much faster without requirement all the logistic to maintain fighters and bombers.
Secondly, the problem being that your friends, and the ICS, tend to believe that even a ship's hull is uber strong, well enough to resist gigaton/teraton shots before failing. Are you going to argue that those various missiles and torpedoes are in that range now?
Missiles and torpedoes are established as being in the megaton range from the ICS and larger (Slave I missiles and mines) I said that they could be used to attack weak points on a ship, sensors, landing bays, exposed weapons turrets.
1. Mara Jade has her squadron aim somewhere close to the belly dome of an ISD if my memory serves me well. Is that supposed to be another glaring weak point? Seems like an ISD shield is only made of weak points.
2. Sensors being a weak point? Like those sensor globes, which happen to be on the bridge. You do realize that not only does this mean that once you've got the weak point pierced, you can cramp all that what have you in that zone to severaly damage a capital ship, but you also realize that some of these weak points are dramatically placed just above those command bridges which happen to make ships spin like a dancer during a funky ice parade when they're destroyed.
3. Right now, you're telling me that your wanked out ships have multiteraton level shields, not to say low digit petaton ones, and yet come with just so many holes that only a pack of megaton weapons can pierce them and blow them to hell.
That's just part of the finest nonsense I ever heard.

Thirdly, there's the ROTJ reference of Lando asking his squadron to divert the enemy starfighetrs' fire from the rebel capital ships. An order that would be pointless at the start of a battle if the said snubfighters were not dangerous to rebel capships.
I have repeatadly pointed out that at no time do we see a TIE engage a capital ship.
And we rarely see capital ships exchanging fire either. Count the number of scenes featuring plenty of rebel and imperial warships flying side by side and barely firing one single cannon.
It's not because we don't have an eye on every single damn TIE that it disputes Lando's point.
Anything that has more to do with a school than a church.
Right a series of books written by a sciencetist with solid logic, reasoning and methodalogy on his side. What exactly are you and your chorts bringing to the table?
That's an appeal to authority, and he used his position repeatedly to enforce ideas that even 10 years old kids can debunk.
Sorry if you feel a bit lonely here, but I think there's still time for you to think a little bit more before posting this kind of stuff, and realize that your sanctified friends over SDN have gone too far in their quest of making Star Wars the *most powerful mainstream fictional universe*.
And? What if Zahn based all of his stories on Ab Fab?
Where the inspiration comes from is irrelevant. Backstage stuff and all. The novel exist, their content exist and is declared canon.
It's funny how your group becomes so radical that you're actually dismissing entire pans of the EU just to suit your views.
And where conflict exists in the canon we take the higher canon IE: the movies which the ICS is based on and discard the rest.
You're showing a curious selective process here. You and your friends were very precious about remembering us how Chee's canon policy described in the Holocron was the way to go, as it made the EU canon yaddla yaddla.
Yet, you completely and conveniently forget that this same canon policy puts the ICS at the exact same level as the other EU novels, and even at the level of videogames.
So again, cherry picking.
This has to be some of the most absurd commments ever. He's a general. He has to know at least the very basic, like what can pose a menace to what. If he doesn't know that, there's no point putting him as a battle general.
It's obvious that the Alliance is posting hero's to the rank of General for the purposes of moral issues. And even their highest Admiral was unaware of a tactic first used by the Republic 20 years prior at the Battle of Courascant in which the Republic engaged the forces of the CIS at point blank range. And Ackbar was supposed to be privy to all of the Empires tactical information.
The context was different, and unless you want to admit that capital can't engage enemy ships safe at point blank range, then you should know that there's probably a reason to that, especially since they had already captured Palpatine, and yet remained in orbit of Coruscant just for the fun.

Funnily, you're the one being pro-EU, yet you completely negate all those stories about the CIS fleet being stuck between shield layers and whatever else about hyperspace jumps being interdicted, which largely explains why Coruscant was another special case, with factors that have nothing to do with Endor.

So what's your position? Double standard? Denial?
See, I can agree that the whole medical frigate deal is a bit vague, just like the rest of cases where fighters start to damage parts of ISDs. We don't know what dropped the shields, and we don't need a bridge scene, like Dragoon suggests.
But your point about Lando's position and knowledge in that case is pathetic, really. It's dramatic that you feel to reach that level of asinine claims to defend a position that had already been proved as relying on cherry picking.
And I see you have yet to provoid an anternative methodology for looking at the Star Wars universe.
At least using the ICS has solid science behind it.
That's where we start talking about faith. Your info is disguised as science, and sugar coated with science terms, but greatly disregards plenty of sources, from the films to a large scope of the EU.
You actually invent your own canon, which scores as a nice oriny in my book.
That's creationism, and it's damn hypocrite from the Wongies and Saxtonians to wrap themselves in a half assed white shroud of pseudo science to defend their wank.
And discarding prior canon where it conflicts with higher canon makes sense rather than just including flawed material because everything is valid is somehow a better way of looking at things.
ICS is not higher canon. What the ICS adds that is not directly coming from the film is just more EU at equal levels with novels, comic books, other guides and video games. You should know this fairly well.
The main difference here is that Lando suggested the knife range fight to increase the rebels' chances of survival.
The point being to merge with the imperial fleet and use their ships as shields to forbid the DS from getting a lock on them.
And they still would have lost if it weren't for luck. Ackbar suggested a far more sensible strategy.
Yes, flee, and never have a chance to destroy both the Emperor and his machine of hell. That would have, for sure, made the Alliance's job far easier.
Sorry, but the film was rather clear. It was their best chance.
And yes, they had some sort of luck in the sense that it compensated for the trap nature of the plan, puppeted by Palpatine himself. But Palpatine didn't count on the natives and rebel sympathy, and that hit him right back in the balls.
And of course given the reins of the Alliance's snubfighter squadrons against pilots who've been fighting for years. Sure. Lando clearly got help from Solo there, but no matter the hand, if he wasn't up to the necessary requirements as a leader, the Alliance would have simply not put him in charge.
The thing is the Alliance has a history of pputting amateurs in the thick of things, Solo, Lando, Luke.
Solo and Lando share the same background, and Luke was the best pilot over there, and was NOT in command of the squadron attacking the first Death Star.
After that, I think he had plenty of time to catch up with the basics and show his superior skills in piloting. Plus it clearly boosted the rebels' moral, and that also matters a lot to have a leading figure that everybody appreciates and respects.
And then, when you realize that he's a Jedi, then you remember the good ol'times of Jedi leading armies against the enemy, and you believe that you have more than a combo. You have a savior.
Sure. I mean, he's a smuggler who probably survived for years against all sorts of imperial patrols, bounty hunters and pirates in space. He's been shown having his own private army as an administrator, he's a fine gunman. He's the one coming with the good ideas during the battle, and that makes him an amateur.
That's very desperate from you.
By all means demonstrate how any of that qualifies one to become a General.
Rather you defend your claim and show me how this makes him an amateur. The Alliance needed qualified people with enough charisma and cunning who could think out of the box.
Lando has desmontrated all of this, and has proved a damn fine sense of strategy.
Now, this point has been hammered by several people here, simply because your claim is just far fetched.
I think this is just insane. You post a link to an EU event where Lando actually shows a definitive proof of well planned plan and strategy to take out a large part of an enemy fleet with his own ship, and then join the local force to finish it, and you say it doesn't prove anything.
That's exactly the kind of intelligence a cunning general should display, but I guess that as long as it doesn't not involve capital ships, it's not good enough for you.
My point is that he is ignorant of the capabilities of his fighters when compared to capital ships.
And you have desmontrated this... when?
Tricks are nothing more than one shot tactics for most of them, that sometimes can be reused. I think Thrawn did use a couple of tricks, like cloaking fighters in a cargo ship at Sluis Van, or using cloaked asteroids and a cloaked armed ship under Coruscant shields.
Oh, I see, Thrawn is T3H general with the white costume and the big fat warships, and he babbles crap about art and warfare, like Sun Tzu meets Picasso, so that makes his tricks valid.
I have never expressed my opinion on Thrawn one way or the other so your just throwing out red herrings.
Oh no. I'm actually showing the double standard behind your claim. I'm actually pointing to a very respected EU war general, probably one of the best if you really want to have a handjob right now, and I have shown that most of his brillant moves were all tricks.
You know, things that defines people as amateurs, as per your definition.

Ah, I also forgot the use of moles to pierce the armor of the rebel ships stuck in the drydocks. Another trick you know.
Shadows of the Empire.
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one.
... that's surprising, to say the least. That's probably one of the most well known EU books ever, along Zahn's boring and phoney trilogies.
SotE is a nice EU book about Luke, Han, Leia, Lando and the rest of the band, between TESB and ROTJ, finely showing that Han, Lando and co were not stuck in Jabba's palace for the duration you claimed.
In case you didn't watch the film, it was the best thing to do to buy Solo some precious time, when you had a battle station on your tail instagibbing your main ships.
Yeah and if the shield hadn't gone down it would have gotten them all killed.
That does not undermine that if they wanted to give Solo a chance, that was the best thing to do. And that's what they did.
Now, am I the only interested in The Phantom Menace's space battle or what??
There was nothing in that battle to indicate that fighters could take down capital ships save for Anakin getting extremely lucky.
On the contrary. But since I don't have the DVDs, that's why I pointed to two different scenes that would present a damn relevance to our whole discussion.

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Post by Jedi Master Spock » Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:47 pm

Mr. Oragahn wrote:probably one of the best if you really want to have a handjob right now,
Mr. Oragahn. Manners, please.

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Post by Gandalf » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:33 pm

watchdog wrote:The claim was that he did not have any frames from the then unfinished movie to go off of so he used the comics, I have the comics and I still dont know what he based his numbers off of (the comics dont show what he claims either).
That's pure unadultered BS, Wayne Poe has the emails to prove that he based his work of the AOTC preproduction reels for which he was given access too. That's one reason why he was made to sign a NDA with LFL so that he couldn't give away any of the films details.

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Post by Praeothmin » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:50 pm

From Curtis Saxton himself:
Hans, Richard, Simon and I started at the Ranch in the early days of March 2001, about fourteen months before the movie was reported complete. Therefore our first exposure to the movie was a vast mass of concept art and reference photos.
I read the script and spent my first morning writing detailed notes about it. We all spent an afternoon at ILM examining some of the models. Iain Morris at LF sent updated concept art and stills from the movie as they became available

I recall that this was important when DK was granted the initiative to develop the AT-TE walker, which at that stage existed as only two concept pictures, and was not due for modeling or filming until months after our deadline.
The complete interview can be found here:

As can be seen, Saxton did not base all his work on the film, but in fact based much of it on conceptual art, models and the film reels that were available at the time his deadline arrived...

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Post by Dragoon » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:52 pm

Any response to the evidence provided that Lando is not an idiot and that fighters can indeed take down capital ships?

I, unfortunately, do not have a DVD player on my computer, so I can't give you screencaps of the scene I was talking about earlier. If I figure out how to get them up, I will.

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Post by Gandalf » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:57 pm

Mr. Oragahn wrote:
1. Mara Jade has her squadron aim somewhere close to the belly dome of an ISD if my memory serves me well. Is that supposed to be another glaring weak point? Seems like an ISD shield is only made of weak points.
2. Sensors being a weak point? Like those sensor globes, which happen to be on the bridge. You do realize that not only does this mean that once you've got the weak point pierced, you can cramp all that what have you in that zone to severaly damage a capital ship, but you also realize that some of these weak points are dramatically placed just above those command bridges which happen to make ships spin like a dancer during a funky ice parade when they're destroyed.
3. Right now, you're telling me that your wanked out ships have multiteraton level shields, not to say low digit petaton ones, and yet come with just so many holes that only a pack of megaton weapons can pierce them and blow them to hell.
That's just part of the finest nonsense I ever heard.
Ever heard of a back up bridge? The only reason why the Executor crashed into the Death Star was because the back up bridge couldn't take over in time.

And we rarely see capital ships exchanging fire either. Count the number of scenes featuring plenty of rebel and imperial warships flying side by side and barely firing one single cannon.
It's not because we don't have an eye on every single damn TIE that it disputes Lando's point.
At least we see capital ships exchange fire several times, we never see a TIE fire on a ship once.
That's an appeal to authority, and he used his position repeatedly to enforce ideas that even 10 years old kids can debunk.
Come on lets see your numbers then.
Sorry if you feel a bit lonely here, but I think there's still time for you to think a little bit more before posting this kind of stuff, and realize that your sanctified friends over SDN have gone too far in their quest of making Star Wars the *most powerful mainstream fictional universe*.
The people at SDN regularly admit that there are numerous sci-fi universes that can beat Star Wars. Doctor Who, The Culture and the Foundation to name three.
You're showing a curious selective process here. You and your friends were very precious about remembering us how Chee's canon policy described in the Holocron was the way to go, as it made the EU canon yaddla yaddla.
Yet, you completely and conveniently forget that this same canon policy puts the ICS at the exact same level as the other EU novels, and even at the level of videogames.
So again, cherry picking.
No, as I have repeatadly pointed out to you when a piece of lower canon is backed up by higher canon IE: the ICS is backed up by the movies it trumps the rest of canon. The fact that you are unwilling to understand this is really not my problem.
The context was different, and unless you want to admit that capital can't engage enemy ships safe at point blank range, then you should know that there's probably a reason to that, especially since they had already captured Palpatine, and yet remained in orbit of Coruscant just for the fun.
What are you talking about?
Funnily, you're the one being pro-EU, yet you completely negate all those stories about the CIS fleet being stuck between shield layers and whatever else about hyperspace jumps being interdicted, which largely explains why Coruscant was another special case, with factors that have nothing to do with Endor.
There were no interdictors at Courascant, they hadn't been invented yet. I am fully aware of the fact that the ships trapped between shield layers. Yet the fact that they were at point blank rqange existed and Ackbar should have been aware of it, student of Imperial tactics that he was.
So what's your position? Double standard? Denial?
My position is none of your concern.
In other words you've got nothing.

That's where we start talking about faith. Your info is disguised as science, and sugar coated with science terms, but greatly disregards plenty of sources, from the films to a large scope of the EU.
You actually invent your own canon, which scores as a nice oriny in my book.
That's creationism, and it's damn hypocrite from the Wongies and Saxtonians to wrap themselves in a half assed white shroud of pseudo science to defend their wank.
So the work of an actual astrophysicist and mechanical engineer is pseudo science but your work (which you have yet to produce) is hard science. You sound like a creationist.
ICS is not higher canon. What the ICS adds that is not directly coming from the film is just more EU at equal levels with novels, comic books, other guides and video games. You should know this fairly well.
I have explained this multiple times, that you refuse to except facts is not my problem.
Yes, flee, and never have a chance to destroy both the Emperor and his machine of hell. That would have, for sure, made the Alliance's job far easier.
Sorry, but the film was rather clear. It was their best chance.
And yes, they had some sort of luck in the sense that it compensated for the trap nature of the plan, puppeted by Palpatine himself. But Palpatine didn't count on the natives and rebel sympathy, and that hit him right back in the balls.
I agree that the Emperor's over confidence was his undoing but he had every right to be confident. He held all the cards.
Solo and Lando share the same background, and Luke was the best pilot over there, and was NOT in command of the squadron attacking the first Death Star.
I never said he was. Don't misrepresent me.
After that, I think he had plenty of time to catch up with the basics and show his superior skills in piloting. Plus it clearly boosted the rebels' moral, and that also matters a lot to have a leading figure that everybody appreciates and respects.
And then, when you realize that he's a Jedi, then you remember the good ol'times of Jedi leading armies against the enemy, and you believe that you have more than a combo. You have a savior.
I never said he didn't catch up. I said they had a history of using amateurs. Clearly he improved with time. Jebus do I have to explain everything to you.
Rather you defend your claim and show me how this makes him an amateur. The Alliance needed qualified people with enough charisma and cunning who could think out of the box.
Lando has desmontrated all of this, and has proved a damn fine sense of strategy.
Now, this point has been hammered by several people here, simply because your claim is just far fetched.
If you won't defend your claim, then I see no particular reason to defend mine.

And you have desmontrated this... when?
Plenty of times, your refusal to accept facts is not my problem.

Oh no. I'm actually showing the double standard behind your claim. I'm actually pointing to a very respected EU war general, probably one of the best if you really want to have a handjob right now, and I have shown that most of his brillant moves were all tricks.
You know, things that defines people as amateurs, as per your definition.
You can take your handjob and shove it up your a$$. As for the rest of your argument, it doesn't even merit a response.
Ah, I also forgot the use of moles to pierce the armor of the rebel ships stuck in the drydocks. Another trick you know.
At least at that point he might have had the benefit of some formal training rather than just tossing him into the fire with no experiance.

... that's surprising, to say the least. That's probably one of the most well known EU books ever, along Zahn's boring and phoney trilogies.
SotE is a nice EU book about Luke, Han, Leia, Lando and the rest of the band, between TESB and ROTJ, finely showing that Han, Lando and co were not stuck in Jabba's palace for the duration you claimed.
I never claimed they were stuck in the palace for the entire year. I said they were there for part of the year. If you insist on misrepresenting my claims the least you could do is get them right.

That does not undermine that if they wanted to give Solo a chance, that was the best thing to do. And that's what they did.
And if it hadn't worked?
On the contrary. But since I don't have the DVDs, that's why I pointed to two different scenes that would present a damn relevance to our whole discussion.
In other words you've got nothing.

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Post by Gandalf » Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:04 pm

Praeothmin wrote:From Curtis Saxton himself:
Hans, Richard, Simon and I started at the Ranch in the early days of March 2001, about fourteen months before the movie was reported complete. Therefore our first exposure to the movie was a vast mass of concept art and reference photos.
I read the script and spent my first morning writing detailed notes about it. We all spent an afternoon at ILM examining some of the models. Iain Morris at LF sent updated concept art and stills from the movie as they became available

I recall that this was important when DK was granted the initiative to develop the AT-TE walker, which at that stage existed as only two concept pictures, and was not due for modeling or filming until months after our deadline.
The complete interview can be found here:

As can be seen, Saxton did not base all his work on the film, but in fact based much of it on conceptual art, models and the film reels that were available at the time his deadline arrived...
As I recall I said that he based his work on pre-production reels. Of which I was partially right. It turns out that he also used other pre-production work. Therefore the claim that he based the ICS on a comic was a deliberate error or based on faulty information.

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Post by Gandalf » Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:05 pm

Dragoon wrote:Any response to the evidence provided that Lando is not an idiot and that fighters can indeed take down capital ships?

I, unfortunately, do not have a DVD player on my computer, so I can't give you screencaps of the scene I was talking about earlier. If I figure out how to get them up, I will.
You get those screenshots then we'll talk.

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Post by Kazeite » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:09 pm

This is weird. So, Star Wars characters are omniscient... except when they are dumb amateurs relying on pure luck.

So, as Gandalf himself has said, "when a piece of lower canon is backed up by higher canon it trumps the rest of canon". And so, since ICS isn't backed by the movies, then, obviously, it cannot possibly trump the rest of the canon. I think that about wraps it up, unless Gandalf has any sort of evidence that movies actually show the kind of firepowers ICS claims they show.

And, here's a hint: if the reasoning of "actual astrophysicist and mechanical engineer" is flawed, then his conclusions are going to be flawed as well. Sorry. And, before you start protesting, Dr. Saxton's reasoning has already been declared faulty by Gary M. Sarli. Twice.

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Post by Who is like God arbour » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:18 pm

Gandalf wrote: If you watch the movies fighters are never employed against capital ships with the hope of directly damaging them. Rather they are used to damage parts of the ships that have become vulnerable due to the sheilds being droped by enemy capital ship fire IE: taking out Executors targeting sensor globe in ROTJ, ramming the Executors bridge, which never would have been possible if her particle sheilds had still been up. The only exception we see are the MF's desperate manouver in ESB when the Avengers sheilds were still down and of course the forlorn hope against the Death Star.
Gandalf wrote:
Note that in TPM the Naboo fighters stood no chance against the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship until Anakin got lucky and crashed into the landing bay while it's sheilds around the landing bay were down launching more Vulture fighters.
Than, I have some questions:
Why would they send the Naboo fighter againt the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship at all?

They have known, that it was protected by shields. But they have thought, that they would be able to destroy it. They couldn't know that or bargain for someone of them to get lucky and crashing into the landing bay while it's shields were down launching more Vulture fighters.

And it was not necessary to attack the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship for their plan to capture Nute Gunray. For this plan it was only necessary to lure the droid army away from the city to get in the palace and the throne room. For this, there was the assembled army of Gungans in the swamps.

The Trade Federation Droid Control Ship couldn't impede them in getting in the palace and the throne room. Only the droids would have been able to impede them. And even if the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship would have been able to do this, how could the Naboo fighters have hold it off if they wouldn't be able to damage or destroy it?

The attack on the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship couldn't contribute to this plan. It could only help the Gungans - and only because it was possible to destroy it.

But you say, that they shouldn't have been able to destroy it and that it was sheer dump luck and nothing more.

That implied that they were all outright incompetent.
Queen Amidala, Obi Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn, the bodyguards and handmaidens, Captain Panaka, the Gungans and last but not least the fighter pilots. Nobody have said, that the whole attack on the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship is doomed to failure.

Do you really think, that they are all incompetent?

Or do you think, they have known, that the Naboo fighter wouldn't have a chance against the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship and have risked the lifes of their pilots fully unecessary?

Or could it be, that they have known, what they do and that the Naboo fighter have had a realistic chance to destroy the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship?

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Post by Gandalf » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:29 pm

Kazeite wrote:This is weird. So, Star Wars characters are omniscient... except when they are dumb amateurs relying on pure luck.
Except I never said that. People on this board have a habit of misrepresenting others arguments.
So, as Gandalf himself has said, "when a piece of lower canon is backed up by higher canon it trumps the rest of canon". And so, since ICS isn't backed by the movies, then, obviously, it cannot possibly trump the rest of the canon. I think that about wraps it up, unless Gandalf has any sort of evidence that movies actually show the kind of firepowers ICS claims they show.
The ICS figures have already been shown to correspond with the movies by Mike Wong and Brian Young.
And, here's a hint: if the reasoning of "actual astrophysicist and mechanical engineer" is flawed, then his conclusions are going to be flawed as well. Sorry. And, before you start protesting, Dr. Saxton's reasoning has already been declared faulty by Gary M. Sarli. Twice.
And who would that be?

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Post by Gandalf » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:33 pm

Who is like God arbour wrote:

Than, I have some questions:
Why would they send the Naboo fighter againt the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship at all?

They have known, that it was protected by shields. But they have thought, that they would be able to destroy it. They couldn't know that or bargain for someone of them to get lucky and crashing into the landing bay while it's shields were down launching more Vulture fighters.

And it was not necessary to attack the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship for their plan to capture Nute Gunray. For this plan it was only necessary to lure the droid army away from the city to get in the palace and the throne room. For this, there was the assembled army of Gungans in the swamps.

The Trade Federation Droid Control Ship couldn't impede them in getting in the palace and the throne room. Only the droids would have been able to impede them. And even if the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship would have been able to do this, how could the Naboo fighters have hold it off if they wouldn't be able to damage or destroy it?

The attack on the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship couldn't contribute to this plan. It could only help the Gungans - and only because it was possible to destroy it.

But you say, that they shouldn't have been able to destroy it and that it was sheer dump luck and nothing more.

That implied that they were all outright incompetent.
Queen Amidala, Obi Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn, the bodyguards and handmaidens, Captain Panaka, the Gungans and last but not least the fighter pilots. Nobody have said, that the whole attack on the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship is doomed to failure.
Yes they did. Qui Gon Jinn himself warned that the weapons on their fighters might not penetrate the shields of the Trade Federation Ship. It appears that a Jedi knew more than the combined forces of the Naboo military. Not suprising as the Naboo military was more of a police force than a real military.
Do you really think, that they are all incompetent?

Or do you think, they have known, that the Naboo fighter wouldn't have a chance against the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship and have risked the lifes of their pilots fully unecessary?

Or could it be, that they have known, what they do and that the Naboo fighter have had a realistic chance to destroy the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship?
They tried it because they were desperate and a million to one shot was all they had. In case you didn't notice the plan was constructed by the Queen not the pilots and the head of palace security only advised on retaking the palace.

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