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Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:21 pm
by Mike DiCenso
Honestly, much of the technologies shown in Trek should make Federation troops nearly unbeatable, but the writers consistantly ignore much of this in order to create a stupid McGuffin that will put the characters in danger every week. Imagine if...

1.) Federation security were equipped with with at least light armor (ala ST:TMP and DS9's "Nor the Battle the Strong".

2.) In addition to the armor, they are equipped with personal forcefields ("A Fist Full of Datas" [TNG], "Homefront", and "Paradise Lost [DS9]".

3.) The landing party and security forces use phasers routinely on widespread in stun or kill modes.

4.) For certain mission, like hostage rescue, the modified TR-116 rifle equipped with mini-transporter is used to kill terrorist or enemy leaders with near impunity (as demonstated in "Field of Fire" [DS9]).

5.) Security and landing parties carry with them the flash grenades shown in routine use in ST:ENT to stun opponents who are "around the corner" where a widespread phaser cannot hit them.

Just think about the possibilities.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:19 am
by AnonymousRedShirtEnsign
Yeah that would be pretty cool, but they aren't any more stupid when it comes to using their tech than the Empire. (Also I think the picture of the 23rd century security guy comes from ST3, both outside Spock's quarters and in the detention center we see people with that uniform) The lack of armor is somewhat bizarre, if any scifi force was to overspend on protecting its troops it should be the Federation. But given the firepower levels that they face, maybe they figured it wouldn't be worth it. Still the personal forcefield would be pretty good, especially since they would only be facing blasters rather than phaser or disrupters.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:30 pm
by Mike DiCenso
Yeah, we could speculate that it has to do with the firepower that the body armor would be facing makes it a moot point. However, that still doesn't mean that the security, hell the landing party members as a whole can't use it, especially when facing an inferior force. It also doesn't make sense not to have personal force fields on hand for dealing with hostile worlds like Tarus II ("The Galileo Seven" [TOS]) where that might save someone from a spear or even a bullet hit (ST:Nemesis). The light armor certain can be useful in many hand-to-hand combat situations as protection, too.

So why don't they equip their landing parties that way more often?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:04 am
by AnonymousRedShirtEnsign
The prop/ clothing department says that it is too expensive.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:09 pm
by GStone
I'm gonna go with seasoned people for each group, so they have had access to as much training as what each group could provide normally.


There are phasers that can be shot straight, conical and wide beam. There's some aim-assisted targeting with off axis firing and assuming that personal and small theater force field generators are not allowed, they do have tricorders that help them detect incoming objects and people.

In hand-to-hand, there is training with others and with a computer that learns how you fight and will know how to beat you, which forces you to having to keep growing.

Martial aspects of hand-to-hand training involve Aikido/Taiji/etc. styles, which help to make up for the lesser physical strength many of the Federation are at a disadvantage with, when compared to certain races, like the Klingons and Jem Hadar.

It is unknown how well they do in groups besides offering cover fire and shooting with their backs to each other. It is also unknown how well each of them are trained in fighting hand-to-hand against a group of various numbers of people.


Able to withstand harsher envornments than many of the Federation. Have stronger, more lasting muscles and can withstand greater amounts of toxins and other forms of punishment. Most soldiers like the idea of fighting and will often train, like the Jem Hadar, but just not to the extreme they are capable of. Like the Jem Hadar, they can be fanatical because of their faith of going to Sto vo cor by dying an honorable death, especially in combat.

Their use of blades with small arms is a good idea, however there is often a depiction of a preferance over just getting the job done. The batleth is oversized for field combat for surface area. If it's to be long, make it more narrow (at least, for most of the length). If there's a preferance for width, it should be shorter. It's like carrying 2 M-16s into the field. Regardless of their strength, it can be very cumbersome keeping track and fighting that way. Most of the time, the batleth is seen to be a 2 handed weapon, not one. There are many, shorter blades that can offer almost as much coverage, as a batleth and, unless you are going after enormous game, it seems more overkill. However, with their warrior culture, feeling that the use of such a large weapon will probably override any sense of efficiency/practicality for the field.

It is also unknown how well each of them are trained in fighting hand-to-hand against a group of various numbers of people and it's unknown how well they are trained in coordinating hand-to-hand attacks in large groups.

Jem Hadar

Bred to fight, have an insatiable drive to fight. And because they grow so quickly and start fighting at such a young age, it off sets them not living as long, as many such as humans. They often don't live as long because they are so willing to die for the Founders and willing to let themselves be killed by their superiors for their disobedience. It's unknown just what is involved, but they will, at times, pit their younger soldiers against enemy captives. Their rifles use anti-coagulents and they can move around when invisible. The anti-coagulents from grazing shots and invisibility often make up for the limited experience of many of them. Certain ones are found to be arrogant, both those from the Gamma and Alpha quadrents, probably because of their faith in the Founders and in their own abilities, which makes them fanatics, who are hard to control.

Which brings us to the white they use. Cut off their supply by blowing up the contianer used by their vorta and cut/pull out their tube, it won't be long before they're dead.

It is also unknown how well each of them are trained in fighting hand-to-hand against a group of various numbers of people and it's unknown how well they are trained in coordinating hand-to-hand attacks in large groups.

Imperial stormtroopers

Since some of them are presumably more clones of Jango Fett, with others, a portion of them are presumably in very good shape. They are trained with a blaster rifle and it's presumed that the same physical skills are taught to modern troops, as the clonetroopers got with maybe a slightly enhanced version. Sensors of each trooper seems to be very limited and blasters appear to have a comperable accuracy to modern handguns. Hand-to-hand evidence is limited besides Jango, which wasn't that impressive, since we see him relying heavily on his tech.

Rebel soldiers

There's probably no standard training given to everyone. Many of the foot soldiers are probably given a limited amount of self-defense.


Probably roughly the same skills you'd find with Imperials.

CIS battlebots.

Their training seems to be laragely imited to their blasters. Some have shield generators and some have built in blasters. Others don't, but all presumably have target assisted aiming, since they have computers, but it isn't that great, since many shots still miss. It is also presumed that there is some amount of combat training programmed into them, but we don't know how much.


They have the strength, speed and agility of midgets. They use primitive weapons, though we know they can shoot arrows through Imp armor, so it'll probably go through Clonetrooper armor. The best tactic they could use is biting the privates of the other fighters. The Jem Hadar probably don't have privates, so it won't work against them most likely.

And for a vote, I'm gonna go with a draw between the UFP and the Jem Hadar. Both have advantages and disadvantages the other doesn't that make it a draw for equiping soldiers. However, the creativity shown by the UFP might give them that final edge to win.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:11 am
by AnonymousRedShirtEnsign
They are creative, yes. But unlike their Dominion counterparts, UPF personel also want to live. Duty is as deeply engrained into what the Jem Hadar are as survival is in humans.