Screw Attack : DEATH BATTLE!
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:44 pm
Here comes a thread to post your opinions about those epic duels.
Careful, there's gore and swearing! No sex though. :/
To prepare each DB, the authors cover many details about each opponent. They certainly can't go as far as any debator would go on a forum, for obvious reasons, but it's a very decent summary of forces on both sides. Generally, the attributes of a given character are all greenlighted, regardless of the conditions under which said attributes existed, as long as they seem to plausibly be added and be accessible. And at other times, they just throw their hands up and give them nearly all for the sake of the fight. See it as a robomixed juice of all possible battles.
Basically, they pick a good list of all good things of a given character, build an archetype that roughly corresponds to a given well known state for said character, generally at one of its top incarnations (a positive typical portrait), do the same for another one, and produce a funny battle from this material.
They generally look cheap, that's part of the charm.
Case in point, Terminator VS Robocop
That one, I'd say was rather fair. Robocop might even have ended that one earlier on with the use of the legmines, but the use of firepower from the T perhaps was too dangerous to use one without first reducing the enemy's overall firepower.
Sometimes you'll agree, sometimes you won't.
Globally, they're surprisingly well balanced but don't count on too much realism. There's more of a toons style to it.
The best part clearly is the presentation.
One fight they may have screwed up on (no pun intended) is the Deadpool vs Deathstroke.
Major mistake there!?
Me's quoteth randomed guy from teh webz:
Oh, then there's that totally insane one, but the matchup actually is excellent!
Kirby Vs Majin Buu
Now that one is something you must watch!
Careful, there's gore and swearing! No sex though. :/
To prepare each DB, the authors cover many details about each opponent. They certainly can't go as far as any debator would go on a forum, for obvious reasons, but it's a very decent summary of forces on both sides. Generally, the attributes of a given character are all greenlighted, regardless of the conditions under which said attributes existed, as long as they seem to plausibly be added and be accessible. And at other times, they just throw their hands up and give them nearly all for the sake of the fight. See it as a robomixed juice of all possible battles.
Basically, they pick a good list of all good things of a given character, build an archetype that roughly corresponds to a given well known state for said character, generally at one of its top incarnations (a positive typical portrait), do the same for another one, and produce a funny battle from this material.
They generally look cheap, that's part of the charm.
Case in point, Terminator VS Robocop
That one, I'd say was rather fair. Robocop might even have ended that one earlier on with the use of the legmines, but the use of firepower from the T perhaps was too dangerous to use one without first reducing the enemy's overall firepower.
Sometimes you'll agree, sometimes you won't.
Globally, they're surprisingly well balanced but don't count on too much realism. There's more of a toons style to it.
The best part clearly is the presentation.
One fight they may have screwed up on (no pun intended) is the Deadpool vs Deathstroke.
Major mistake there!?
Me's quoteth randomed guy from teh webz:
But the fight was most entertaining! :)LongLive TrueFreedom wrote: So many things wrong with this. And I am not being biased, I happen to know both characters from comics. This fight is what's biased.
Shall I prove this? Let's count what's wrong here:
- Deadpool has no super strength or speed. He has ABOVE AVERAGE strength and speed, but the difference is crucial. He was fighting peak humans before such as Wolverine and Captain America and they beat him in both strength and speed. Deathstroke can tear open an airplanes reinforced door with his bare hands, meaning he must have at least several tons of superstrength range. He also has ridiculous speed feats, such as KICKING THE FLASH IN MID RUN. Seriously guys, this happened. They said Deathstroke has a serious advantage with his suit and his weapons but they really underestimated Deathstroke's RIDICULOUS advantage against Deadpool in strength and speed.
- Deadpools ability to improvise to the point that even he doesn't know what he is doing may be a strength when going against task master - who wins fights only because he sees every move coming ahead, but it's of no use against Deathstroke who is a master combatant - he doesn't need a plan to turn a fight in his favour. However, he KNOWS what he is doing and he doesn't waste time in mid-battle for cheesy puns, word games and gags - meaning he would be MUCH better fighter then Deadpool, who is not just without a plan, but also very careless.
- Deathstroke has MUCH more impressive battle feats then Deadpool. "Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe" was mostly Deadpool fighting everyone one at the time - or killing someone with a bomb or some trick. But going toe to toe against his enemies, who did he really beat? Deadpool fought a bunch of random ninjas. Who can determin their skills and experience? Nodoby. Deathstroke fought and took down most of the JUSTICE LEAGE. ALONE. ALL AT THE SAME TIME. This is the team of most powerful and skilled superheroes on the planet put together. Every single one of them would be a challenge for Deadpool. Deathstoke takes them all out single-handedly.
- There is plenty of ways to take down Deadpool. By saying that Deathstroke lacks the ability to put him down for good, they are simply not telling the truth.
First, Deathstoke can use his weapons, many of which have strong detonation capabilities, to blow Deadpool up to bits. Yes Deadpool has a healing factor, but he doesn't have Wolverine's skeleton to hold him together. Even ater taking a single sniper rifle bullet to the face, his brains and skull should be all over the place and it would take him about a minute or two to regenerate from that - enough time for Deathstroke to cut him to pieces with his sword and stop the parts from regenerating further - the end.
Second - Deathstroke has many gadgets that can put Deadpool to sleep. He uses them for kidnapping missions and Deadpool is not immune to toxins. He can use these and before Deadpool recovers - again, enough time for Deadpool to take his head and arms clean off and lock them in separate jars or something to keep them from reattaching. Game over.
Third - If Deadpool has an anti-healing blade, and Deathstroke is a superior fighter, much stronger and faster - he could've easily take the blade from Deadpool, and use it against him, ending the fight.
There are probably many other ways too, but the crucial thing is - Deadpool WAS defeated before. He is not undeafeated. And if anyone can do it in Marvel Universe, Deathstroke can do it in DC universe. He is very creative and can think of a way around anything. He's beaten Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Black Cannary, Nightwing and many other ridiculously powerful or skilled heroes with relative ease. Deathstroke should EASILY win this. He has all the edges - superior skills, intellect, armour, high-tech weapons and gadgets, superior physical atributes like strength and speed... Literally the ONLY advantage of Deadpool is the superior healing factor, but again, how is that enough for him to beat Deathstroke? He wouldn't die, but he would've been beat in seconds! Lying on the floor in pieces, cut to shreds or blown to bits by Deathstroke. Can he recover if Deathstroke is there, packing his blown bits to separate bags? Of course not! Deadpool won because he has much bigger fun base. That's what happened.
+Cortius Norman Deadpool can only teleport his body parts if he uses his brain, when his brain is blown to bits, he remains uncouncious until it brings itself together. And his head won't bring itself back together as long as Deathstroke is there. Simple.
Oh, then there's that totally insane one, but the matchup actually is excellent!
Kirby Vs Majin Buu
Now that one is something you must watch!