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ST special torpedoes vs. Star Wars shields

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:45 am
by Lucky ... lds.93359/
This is an interesting topic, and it is kind of amusing how some of the people don't want to admit the EU paints Star Wars shields as weak against exotic weapons.

This post in particular amuses me:
General Schatten Post#99 wrote:No, my argument is that NDF is a method of how weapons act specifically made up for Trek. The ultimate outcome might be identical but it's not an NDF.
General Schatten seems to make a rather big deal about something completely unimportant, and is almost completely wrong about what he/she claims.^_^

1) There is not such thing as a Nuclear Disruptive Force. The proper term is Nuclear Disruptive Effect.
Cost of Living wrote: PICARD: Activate a deflector dish. If we project a particle beam, we may be able to produce a disruptive nuclear effect within the core.
2) The NDE is not associated with weapons, but rather is created with the navigational deflector.

3) NDE is extremely violent.

Has anyone ever tried to scale the size of the asteroid in Cost of Living?