Truth which is not known in Croatia.

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Truth which is not known in Croatia.

Post by Picard » Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:43 am ... z1eKiPyGly


Slovenian truck driver told somewhere on TV that he works 16 to 18 hours a day for basic pay, with no paid overtime, no paid hot meal. If he tries to protest, his boss would discharge him and send him to employment office, and take Romanian who would drive at half the pay, but boss also says that it is great in EU since he buys a new truck every month.

Bulgarian (business partner) says that Bulgaria lived from exporting fruits and vegetables, and now they import everything from EU, while state is becoming ever more indebted.

Hungarians tell how they became paid employees in (until recently their own) vineyards, beacouse French destroyed them with low prices and then bought all vineyards for low price, once Hungarians couldn't return debts any more. Now, most famous Hungarian vineyards (Tokajac) are English-owned.

In Checzh Republic EU forced owners of sugar refineries had to close their factoreis, while workers ended up unemployed, beacouse EU has too much of sugar – and it has too much of sugar beacouse it imports it from Cuba, due to larger profit made on it.

Due to overstepping Kyoto quotes, Germany moved large part of dirty industry into Checzh Republic. Only man able to add up two and two together was Checzh president Klaus, who says that entering EU was complete miss and does not allow EU flag to be displayed on his residency.

Last year in February, it was mentioned on news that, in Hungary, citizens started protests and moved towards building of parlamient – police made barricades, and – nothing. After that short report, there was no mention of Hungary in Croatian news – obviously, Parlamientary Commision for Information had already reacted. But, as writer of this article I'm translating now was told by Hungarians he met – there are ALWAYS some demonstrations in EU. And where is there democracy, where is the freedom of press?

If such news were ever to be shown, there would be 90% of citizens against EU, not 50% - but in the end, there will be no voting on entering EU, beacouse Parliament will change law (as it already did, reducing the quote required to enter EU from absolute majority of all voters to relative majority of voters who actually voted – note by translator), so that Parliament will decide on best outcome instead of people, and that is entrance into EU, beacouse they know that chances of people voting for EU are quite low.

Same thing happened in Netherlands and Slovenia, when they realized that people are against entering EU – when people protested due to lack of referendum, answer was: "You voted for our party, which had entrance into EU in program, and we are only fullfilling our promises." (Situation in Croatia is that we have two major parties, both of which are trying their hardest to kiss up EU's proverbial ass, up to and including entrance into EU, and many minor parties which, all put together, have allegiance of less than 30% of voting body. To make matters worse, many of them are in coalition with one of main parties – note by translator). Also, why Constitution of EU didn't pass in France and Netherlands, why they ran to Lisabonian accord, why is it accepted by parlamients and not given on referendum? Beacouse it would pass as it did in Ireland, and we know how it passed there (it did not).

Are our politicians aware of what they are doing to this people? Are they aware that, after entering EU, any and all remaining goods will quickly pass into ownership of world mafia, and that our people will be slaves? They are not aware that, when owner pays tax on income, rest of profit goes to the world mafia, and that we will be cheap workforce, better said – slaves. They are not aware that, when owner pays tax on profit, rest of profit goes outside of Croatia. Only if owner is Croat, that money is re-invested back in the Croatia. I know what I'm talking about, beacouse I worked in foreign company until recently and I know how much money owner of that company took away from Croatia.

Why all of our political parties, save for some minor ones, have entrance to the EU as main goal? Only logical answer is that they have been bought, beacouse, to the EU, rich as it is and with good sense for finding gold mines, it isn't problem to give few hundred millions of euros to our politicians, so as to make these do anything that EU asks them. To EU to give this money is same as for me to give few kunas to a beggar.

No-one cares – or sees – that main members of EU (England / UK, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Germany) were all colonial powes, that they conquered about-to-be colonies with wars, in which they killed millions and burglarized everything that could be burglarized. Everything they got with weapons, they lost same way. Now they have museums full of gold, ivory and jewelry works-of-art; but they also have traitors (those that fought for them against their own people) which are now causing them trouble (in France: Marocans, Tunese, Algerians, Maurs, etc.). (Result of that situation is that colonial powers listed above are trying to get rid of these people by dumping them into states of Central and East Europe that never had anything to do with colonialism, except being victims of same policies as homelands of these people – note by translator). London has over 50% of "colored" people, not to mention Netherlands) and are source of crime. Now they have large experience, and as such they, taught by the US, arrived to a conclusion: what is stolen by weapons, can be returned same way; but what has been bought, can only be returned same way; so, they have set out to conquer the world new way: via globalisation (That is main reason of EU cracking down on nationalism and Catholic Church, as these are two main defenses against corporate globalism as both are putting accent on people helping each other against common foe, and preserving their freedom - note by translator).

Read the little blue book of EU, called Constituation of EU, in which everything is written... And now these countries launched story about globalisation. What is hidden behind it? Globalisation is colonisation without a single bullet being fired. And we believe these four-flushers, who teach us what democracy is, what is good and what is bad, and until yesterday they were sewing death all over the world. They wiped out entire civilizations. Biggest democrates on this planet, USA, had slaves until recently, and until yesterday white people did not ride in busses alongside black people, while Republic of Dubrovnik abolished slavery in 1642., in time when USA were still British colony (USA were formed as a state in 1776) (One of less known facts about it was that Republic of Dubrovnik was first state in the world to reckognize USA independence). Now their tactics is to bring victim to its knees first (usually via financial means – that is, indebtment), and then come with coffers full of money, lawyers and contracts, so everything of value changes owner in very short time, of course for large sum of money, beacouse even king in danger of death from thirst gives a kingdom for a drop of water.

I am for the EU, but not EU with such politics, politics led by capitalists and not politicians. What kind of politics it is when capitalists, due to their greed and never-dying obsession for enrichment moved their capital to China, where worker works for 1 $ per day, and workers who made that capital are being sent to employment exchange, only for products made in China to be brought to EU and sold to their ex-workers, who are now living on social help. That way they destroyed industry of textile, shoe-making industry, started destroying wood industry, car industry etc. (Now they are trying to destroy our shipyards so as to remove main European concurention to Western-owned Korean shipbuilding industry – Croatian shipbuilding industry ranked 3rd in the world once – note of translator).

I am saying that this EU politics isn't good, beacose it is based on capital only, and no-one cares about human beings any more. Now it isn't enough to work on woriking days only, but on Saturday and Sunday, but only here in Croatia, while these same centers don't work on Sunday in their mother countries (Austria, Germany).

But this politics is politics of cutting a branch of the tree they are sitting on, beacouse when 50 % of workers in the EU ends up on employment exchange, and other half ends up incapable of paying social service for first half, we'll and up with revolution again. (...)

In Croatia, main interest of rich people in EU is. Slavonia, sources of drinking water as well as our coast along with islands. Industry is of no concern for them – they have their own industry in Korea, Vietnam, Turkey and India. Our industry, which is concurention to theirs, is only trouble for them. It has to be destroyed. As a result, they are forcing our government to destroy it – currently, shipyards are main target of attack. Our shipyards are direct concurention to Korean ones, which are in their ownership. That, they bear out with free market and protecting free market competition. Their theory is that anything that is not profitable, should be destroyed. But that rule only applied to some, althought they say that we are all equals (all pigs are equal, only some of them are more equal than others, as Orwell says), so I ask myself why they didn't let all banks in the US and EU to collapse, beacouse, according to that theory they should have collapsed; why they give financial support to car industry, why just US alsone, in order to save its economy, sacrificed over 1 500 billion USD? Why we shouldn't save our own economy with 2 to 3 million of USD, instead of allowing workers to end up on exchange office, where they will cost the budhet ten times more?

So we blindly trust these liars.

Maybe you'll say that I am too harsh in my analysis. No, I'm not too harsh, I'm desperate, I can send this letter into the newspapers, but they won't publish it.

Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief, was child's play for current propaganda managers. Ones working today are students of US agressive marketing born in consumer society. What marketing is? One definition says that consumer society created marketing, which is able to convince person to buy something that person doesn't need, for money it doesn't have. Meaning that person should be convinced to become as indebted as possible, beacouse it is easier to control him/her in such condition. And if person isn't indebted to anyone, then he/she can allow him/herself many things; but if he/she is indebted, then it is easy to threaten him/her with discharge, so person remains silent; beacouse if he/she loses job, he/she will lose everything, and no-one wants to lose existence and goods he/she made by heavy work, especially if he/she has familiy to take care of, which is a shrine to any worker.

How large of liars they are, you will remember yourselves, when I remind you of promises foreign banks made. While they did not have access to Croatia, they were convicning us that interest rate will be same in Croatia as it was in their home countries – now, interest rate in Croatia is 13%, and in their home countries it is 3%. When they came in, they promised to companies that move to them from contemporary SDK, that they will do money transfers free of charge. But our firms did not fall for it, so dr. Sosic and dr. Dodan publicly spitted at SDK, calling it "communistic mastodont", which should be abolished, beacouse nothing like that exists in rest of the world, and that business subjects should be transferred to commercial banks. Finally they brought the law that forced companies to move accounts and money into commercial banks, but at that moment no bank even thought of fullfilling the promise of free-of-charge money transfers; actually, costs of money transfers increased five times. In these same banks you can get credit for a car, truck or anything else made in West within few hours or few days; but to get credit for, say, cow farm, you have to fight several years.

Biggest mistake our government made, accoring to me, is when it signed that it will open our market to EU products and that it will sell our banks. With that move we, to use chess terminology, surrendered our Queen and Cannons to the opponent without fight. To continue with that terminology, our government is playing chess with EU while knowing only how figures move, while our opponent knows ten moves ahead, and knows how to achieve a checkmate, that is, to achieve everything they want to.

For entrance into EU, they first made us cooperate with court in Den Haag. Then we had to deliver general Gotovina, then we had to give up protected fishing area (all the while Italian fishing fleet makes more profit from our own territorial sea in a month than our own fleet in half a year – note by translator), now we'll have to give to Slovenia 90% of what they ask and that way, little by little, we'll find ourselves on our knees without anything. And if we stand up to bullying, they will simply ask the return of entire debt, which is now around 50 billion USD.

And what then awaits us? Only possible solution, and that is putting taxes on anything and everything, from tax on cattle for farmers, tax on excess of living area, tax on cottages, cars, tax on tax, and what will that lead to? It will lead to drastic drop in prices of real estates and to full-blown collapse of health care, educational and market systems. And now it is clear why EU insists on quick assortment of land registries.

Our ex-minister once said that Croatia is one big family, which I agree on, but question is if police and social service aver came to his small family to impose order, or he imposed it himself, so I wonder why he needs order to be made in big family of EU?

Furthermore, mayn free programs of EU are made up in order to prepare terrain for Day D. Such as a programme in which EU emissaries teach our lumens on how to wield public property, and for that we have to give them list of public properties with valuation. Does it tell you anything?

(text of Croatian economy expert N.N. Refused in Croatian media).

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Re: Truth which is not known in Croatia.

Post by 2046 » Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:30 pm

The guy who wrote that drivel needs to be punched by CroCop.

There's anti-capitalist ranting and conspiracist thinking, comparisons of the EU to Hitler and Goebbels, and the ever so ominous "Day D" (D-Day) coming. And hell, back up . . . they attack the EU with anti-capitalist ranting. The EU! When the hell did the eurozone become a hotbed of capitalism?

The European Union has plenty of structural problems and is financially troublesome for many of its members . . . eurogeddon appears to be on the horizon . . . but that's no excuse for irrational looney-tunes attacks of this kind.

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Re: Truth which is not known in Croatia.

Post by Mr. Oragahn » Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:13 pm

2046 wrote:The guy who wrote that drivel needs to be punched by CroCop.

There's anti-capitalist ranting and conspiracist thinking, comparisons of the EU to Hitler and Goebbels, and the ever so ominous "Day D" (D-Day) coming. And hell, back up . . . they attack the EU with anti-capitalist ranting. The EU! When the hell did the eurozone become a hotbed of capitalism?
Yeah, the article is overly dramatic. However, there's a thing that may need clarification though.
In the EU, it's more like there are strong capitalist principles at its core now, which are eating anything which was formerly gained under more or less socialistic governments (or else).
The socialist part is merely used, these days, as political tools: anything socialist is about social help, social healthcare, financial help, etc. That already is used for the left parties to gain voices for all levels of elections. It means those services need a huge administration to back them up, and most of the time, those same left parties reinforce or come as defending the administration and employment in that branch to get voices from left/socialist peoples.
Since employees in national administration and cumbersome bureaucracy don't want to lose their jobs, politicians from ALL sides actually love to invent plenty of new laws and amendments which need more pencil pushers to get them enforced. As I said, leftists do that for elections and to manage their typical voting elements, while right wings tend to do that at times to calm the socialist side and to maintain the illusion of (useful) employment stability while in fact those services create almost ZERO GDP.
So the socialist thing is more like a burden, which is being managed for political reasons. It's a left over from earlier eras. But anywhere capitalism can move forth, it does, and that is seen everywhere, in every single domain. It is even said that there are more influential lobbies in Brussels than around the US congress.
Ironically enough, the administration employees often find themselves enforcing laws which are meant to precisely destroy nations from inside and which are ultra-capitalist in essence, all for corporations and ill intended traitorous zealots who seek to obtain more and more.
In the end, socialism is, above all, used as a strong excuse to tax people for anything, while the money, as you probably know by now, doesn't really go into helping European/national structures and economy at all.
So the EU is more like growing capitalism applied to masses -- the plebe gets poorer, there are no economical regulations at borders, contrary to what all pro-EU politicians have claimed for decades -- with a nice touch of socialism which is more like a group of the population which needs to be managed to political reasons.
It's not US capitalism or Chinese capitalism, but it's getting there nonetheless. In a way, I suppose it's even worse because many EU countries still have the possibility, through the spectrum of anything that is socialism, that the state takes care of its people.
But be assured that we're all getting fucked pretty hard. :)

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Re: Truth which is not known in Croatia.

Post by Picard » Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:54 am

2046 wrote:The guy who wrote that drivel needs to be punched by CroCop.

There's anti-capitalist ranting and conspiracist thinking, comparisons of the EU to Hitler and Goebbels, and the ever so ominous "Day D" (D-Day) coming. And hell, back up . . . they attack the EU with anti-capitalist ranting. The EU! When the hell did the eurozone become a hotbed of capitalism?

The European Union has plenty of structural problems and is financially troublesome for many of its members . . . eurogeddon appears to be on the horizon . . . but that's no excuse for irrational looney-tunes attacks of this kind.
EU is corporatistic sh*thole (as is entire world now, more-or-less). Germany is literally holding EU together on its own, while European and US corporations and banks are getting fat on Greek and Italian debt - and no-one seems able, or willing, to put them under control. Also, entrance into EU, and especially Eurozone, removes some of basic defense mechanisms that states use to defend themselves from foreign capitalists - like devaluing currency to boost export, setting taxes to prevent cheap products made in China and Indonesia by slave labor from destroying economy. EU is made to create "free market". It is not question of "what it should have been" but what it is; capitalists are ones setting governments - for example, both Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti were set by world oligarchy, not elected; that is, if elections are worth anything in the first place, and not only cover up. But then again, it isn't exclusive to EU - both US and Croatia have two main, seemingly irredeemably opposed political parties - both of which serve interests of large corporations. Bruxelles is under control of corporations, with many entrance pre-requisities being apparently taken straight from Milton Friedman - privatize this, privatize that, sell this, sell that, and what are we gaining from it? Nothing - except for destroyed economy which can not support administration or needs of people anymore. Luckily, unlike Greece, we have grand total of one bank left in state ownership, as well as shipyards - which are being privatized as I type this - food and arms industry, former of which is going down the same route as shipyards do. Everything else is owned by foreign corporations - and privatization a la Friedman was and is one of prerequisites for entrance into EU, as is cracking down on any nationalism left (hunt for Gotovina - "locate, arrest, transfer", as our ex-prime minister stated it) and so on. European Union has good potential - but its not making any use of it.

EDIT: Also, fact that it was refused by newspapers seems to suggest that he isn't "full of crap"; else it would be easy to repel his arguments. I might find few things I don't agree with; but generally, he's right - corporations control government, not the other way 'round.

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