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Scimitar article and user ASchlafly
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:10 pm
by Roondar
I clicked on the Open Database link to see what it was all about and saw, after some searching that the last few entries have all been made by a user ASchlafly.
Suffice to say his description of the Scimitar leaves a tad to be desired*, tho I'm not sure how to proceed really. I did feel it might be nice to point this out however.
*) Hint: it has nothing to do with the Starship at any rate and all to do with how evil we truly are for not seeing the light.
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:12 am
by Mike DiCenso
I reviewed ASchlafly's contributions and found that he/she had changed a link to a Memory Alpha article in the Sovereign class starship entry to a porn site. So most likely this creep was only setting up the one article to look legit while trying to sneak in some subtle vandalism. That person has since been blocked and banned indefinitely, and the one Scimitar has been deleted along with that person's User article just in case.
So good catch on that one Roondar, and feel free to contribute articles to the Database. In fact, write up a proper article for the Scimtar.
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:27 pm
by Narsil
Actually, I edited the Scimitar article into its more legitimate state from something that was along the lines of 'REPENT TO JESUS BECAUSE STAR TREK IS A LIBRUL HIPPY SOCIALIST LIE MEANT TO TURN YOU AWAY FROM GOD!'
Now there's what you call hypocrisy.
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:49 pm
by Mike DiCenso
I'am getting to be of the mind that certain people's vandalism should just be utterly deleted so that they can't go back to wherever it is they come from and tout what they did by linking to the history pages. It may be a Scorched Earth policy, but it's better than letting these little turds get any long term satisfaction. So save a copy of the last vaild entry from the history, then delete the article entirely along with all traces of the vandalism and start it over again, and past in the valid entry.
Roondar, Narsil, feel free to put in a new Scimtar article.