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Star Trek: New Voyages

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:33 am
by watchdog
I just finished watching the New Voyages episode 'World enough and time' which featured George Takai as Sulu, pretty good episode. It's almost amazing to me the fact that a bunch of guys making free internet films could get star trek so right as compared to the absolute wrongness of the professionals (B&B) hired by Paramount to make official trek. I personally chalk it up to the New Voyages team not being obsessed with creating their own ultimate villan (what I allways called Kahn-envy) and instead focusing on the character interactions and story elements. Thats what always made Trek shine before (cool space battles only added to that, they werent the main reasons for the story). In many ways thats why Star Trek is better than Star Wars, trek can and does tell other stories other than conflict and war. Star Wars really can't escape that, thats why all the newest EU stories for star wars are all variations on the same old theme of war and conflict. I mean Legacy sounds and looks interesting but it's the same thing that has been done before in star wars, the entire history of that galaxy far, far away is constant war, the only time that doesn't seem to have some sort of horrific war is the thousand years prior to TPM it seems. I lost interest in the latest stories from wars just before ROTS came out, but when I look up into the night sky here in SE Arizona I can easily imagine travelling to any of them along with Captain Kirk and his crew.

New voyages does have some wooden acting from the regular cast (but then again William Shatner was pretty wooden himself back in TOS), and it's a little hard to accept these guys as presenting another interpretation of fan favorites made famouse by compleatly different people. But the stories I've seen are pretty good and well written I think. What do others here think of the shows?
for those of you who have never heard of (not likely) or never seen an episode, try this;

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:47 pm
by Jedi Master Spock
I keep meaning to watch them.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:16 am
by watchdog
You really should it's a great series. they've inspired quite a few people and have attracted actuall actors from the various series to play parts, the first episode that I saw had the actor who played Commodore Decker reprising that role.