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Phasers Now Track Orion Raider!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:52 pm
by Mike DiCenso
In the Remastered version of "Journey to Babel", we get a cool new FX shot of the Enterprise doing a rapid-fire tracking of the strafing warp 10 Orion raider:

I don't think we've ever seen anything quite like this before in either Trek or Wars.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:01 pm
by Gandalf
While these effects are snazzy has there been any statements made on there canon status? Basically what I'm asking is: is this remastered project just being done for poop and giggles or will we see anything become of it?

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:18 pm
by Mike DiCenso
There's no offical word yet for the Remastered TOS episodes canon status, just as there still is no actual word on the canon status of the Director's Cut and Special Edition DVDs for the movies.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:38 pm
by Gandalf
Why are they redoing the effects anyways?

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:10 am
by watchdog
It was for a tribute to the 40th anniverssary of Trek, they began showing remastered versions on Sept 16 (where I'm at anyway) a week after the actual anniverssary on the 8th. It started with a sweet version of 'Balance of terror'.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:15 am
by Jedi Master Spock
I believe it's safe to assume the remastered TOS episodes are canonical.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:23 am
by Gandalf
Jedi Master Spock wrote:I believe it's safe to assume the remastered TOS episodes are canonical.
I don't have a problem with it, I just want something official to stave off the coming argument (which I've already seen) over whether it's canon or not. I've been told that they remastered the TOS seasons because the original effects looked very poor on hi-def TV's. I have the DVD sets with the original effects and I prefer them but I'm a purest.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:28 am
by Praeothmin
I have the DVD sets with the original effects and I prefer them but I'm a purest.
Indeed you are... :)

I was about to start buying ST;TOS in DVD, but when I saw those new effects, I figured Paramount would probably do as LFL did, and rerelease TOS on DVD with these new effects, so I'll wait for the new ones to come out, because I truly prefer the newer effects (I'm unpure that way... :) ).

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:35 am
by Jedi Master Spock
Gandalf wrote:
Jedi Master Spock wrote:I believe it's safe to assume the remastered TOS episodes are canonical.
I don't have a problem with it, I just want something official to stave off the coming argument (which I've already seen) over whether it's canon or not. I've been told that they remastered the TOS seasons because the original effects looked very poor on hi-def TV's. I have the DVD sets with the original effects and I prefer them but I'm a purest.
There will probably be no official statements made. There have, IIRC, not been any statements made about which edition of Star Trek films for which more than one edition have been released.

Taking as precedents those statements which we do have, it is suggested that all of the various editions of live action Trek materials are canonical.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:23 am
by 2046
Egad, that's awful. How the devil is a high-warp ship supposed to be within visible range for any appreciable length of time, or even visible while it is? Even if the thing was doing warp-10 orbits around the Enterprise we shouldn't be able to see it.

I'd been pleased so far that they hadn't done anything just plain stupid with the new effects, but I have a bad feeling that line was just crossed.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:37 am
by AnonymousRedShirtEnsign
Yeah but that explosion was cool, and that's what Americans like, or we're supposed to anyways.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:59 pm
by Praeothmin
Egad, that's awful. How the devil is a high-warp ship supposed to be within visible range for any appreciable length of time, or even visible while it is? Even if the thing was doing warp-10 orbits around the Enterprise we shouldn't be able to see it.

I'd been pleased so far that they hadn't done anything just plain stupid with the new effects, but I have a bad feeling that line was just crossed.
Well, think of it this way 2046, there are so many scientific and logical inconsistencies in any Trek series, that this one isn't that bad.
Besides, with the advanced sensors the Enterprise has, it may just have been a sublight rendering of the Warping ship... ;)

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:41 pm
by Gandalf
Praeothmin wrote:
Indeed you are... :)

I was about to start buying ST;TOS in DVD, but when I saw those new effects, I figured Paramount would probably do as LFL did, and rerelease TOS on DVD with these new effects, so I'll wait for the new ones to come out, because I truly prefer the newer effects (I'm unpure that way... :) ).
It's also a case of not giving Paramount anymore money than I have to. I got the TOS sets for 67$ a piece. I'm sure the remastered sets would have been more.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:22 pm
by Praeothmin
It's also a case of not giving Paramount anymore money than I have to. I got the TOS sets for 67$ a piece. I'm sure the remastered sets would have been more.
Ah, but patience, my little Grasshopper... :)
When the ST DVD series first came out, they were 180$ Can in my neck of the woods.
Now, depending on the stores, they're 70-80$ at most.
So it's all a question of being patient... :)

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:45 pm
by Mike DiCenso
AnonymousRedShirtEnsign wrote:Yeah but that explosion was cool, and that's what Americans like, or we're supposed to anyways.
It was actually kind of interesting how the FX team chose to show the Orion raider being spun by the phaser hit. Also the explosion is not only cool looking, but much more accurate to what a high-energy explosion would look like in space.