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Viruses = Demonic Possession in Megaman?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 2:17 am
by Lucky
[size=150][color=#FFFF00] Megaman 8[/color][/size] wrote:
Duo: This is what you people call 'evil energy.' According to the studies I've done so far, the one who obtained the original energy must be a being of complete evil. This kind of energy absorbs the evil in a person's mind and then multiplies. Judging by the quick rate of its growth, it'll take over the planet with evil energy in a matter of days! We must stop it!
Duo: ... a barrier prohibits me from going there. I will destroy the rest of the evil energy that has spread throughout the Earth. You search and destroy the energy sources for that barrier
[size=150][color=#FFFF00]Megaman X[/color][/size] wrote:
Sigma: You have won a temporary victory, X! What you destroyed was only a temporary body -- My spirit remains intact. In time I will find other bodies strong enough to do my bidding and I will return. I shall see you soon, X. Very soon...
[color=#FFFF00][size=150]Megaman Mavrick Hunter X[/size][/color] wrote:
Dr.Light: Ah X... So you've made it this far, have you? Enter this capsule, and you will receive an ability that only a few people have been able to master through intense training. Since your soul is nearly human, i suspect you can master it... X... Feel the power flowing in you. learn to throw fireballs!

X: Hadoken
[color=#FFFF00][size=150]Megaman X iOS[/size][/color] wrote:
Dr. Light: Well, what do you think, X? Now I've got the body of a warrior, too - just like you!

See those water falls way off in the distance? I sat under their cold torrents for days on end meditating and training.

But that's enough out of this old man. I hereby give you a special present. Now, enter the capsule, please!

I'm about to teach you a secret technique I developed through all that training! Press ↓→ + Fire when you have all of your health.

It's called a "Hadoken". I was actually going to call it a "Hachoo-ken" in honor of the terrible cold i caught while I was training, but... In any case, give it a try, but you may need to do some training of your own first to get it down pat.
Good luck, X!
[color=#FFFF00][size=150]Megaman X4[/size][/color] wrote:
Accumulates energy and generates an illusion. Enemies will sustain damage if struck by the soul energy. Requires high energy expenditures however and will eventually dissipate in time or if it sustains heavy damage
[color=#FFFF00][size=150]Megaman X5[/size][/color] wrote:
Zero: He is a virus... ... he can't be seen or analyzed correctly like other data. You have to feel his evil energy. That's the only way to find him.
Signas: The situation is far worse than expected. Sigma's explosion has spread the Virus all over the Earth. It's affecting both people and Reploids. What's worse, the Space Colony, Eurasia, is heading straight toward us. At this rate, it's going to crash into the Earth... in 16 hours. Everything... including Reploids and the entire human race, will be... ... annihilated...
[color=#FFFF00][size=150]Megaman Zero4[/size][/color] wrote:
Rouge: Using the Teleporter Base, we can transfer you to Ragnarok, but you'll have to disable the protection around Ragnarok on your own.

Zero: How do I do that?

Ciel: I can help there. Whenever we transfer you somewhere, we transfer you into program data and send you over a circuit. I can modify the transfer program to allow you to move freely inside of the circuit.

Rouge: It superimposes visuals on the circuits so you can tell what's going on... That way you can navigate from the Teleporter Base to Ragnarok via something akin to Cyberspace. If you head towards the end of the circuit, you should be able to directly disable the protection program. With that out of the way, you should be able to finish transferring over. This mission?
Weil: Hehehe... Did my mechanical body surprise you? Did you think that I was a Reploid and you could fight me? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm pure human... Even with a body that looks like this!

Zero: How!?

Weil: When the Dark Elf took control of the Reploids and destroyed the Mavericks in the Elf Wars... The humans of the time modified me... They transferred all of my memories into program data... And switched my body for this armor with the power to rejuvenate me... Do you have any idea what that means? I can't age, and wounds heal more quickly than normal. After the war, I was cursed to live an eternity in a world without light or nature... The humans expelled me from Neo Arcadia!
[color=#FFFF00][size=150]Megaman ZX[/size][/color] wrote:
M.E.G.A. System

R.O.C.K. System

Prairie: A long time ago the world was saved by a group of legends. Biometal are fragments containing the consciousness of those legendary heroes There might be some hint regarding the Maverick outbreaks in the data stored at the lab. Fleuve's personal laboratory is right next to the transerver room. Take the Biometal data there for analysis. I'll be here analyzing the computer chip that you brought back.
Aile: Giro! Giro!!! It's all my fault! I never should have charged into this!

Model X: Aile. This is your last chance. If you combine the power from the two Biometal fragments, you might be able to transform again. I can't be certain whether or not you'll be able to bear the strain when the two fragments are combined.

(A group of Mavericks surround her and the Biometal.)

Model Z: It's your decision. You alone must make it. Do you have the will to fight? Do you have what it takes to continue where that brave man left off?

(Anime cutscene. Aile reaches out for the Biometal.)

Aile: Model X... Model Z... Power... I need your power. I need to protect the people, all of them! Lend me your strength to fight for those I care about!

(Aile grabs both Biometal and blasts the Mavericks away by transforming into Model ZX. Anime cutscene ends.)

Model X: Aile... our strength...

Model Z: Is yours! And Giro's sprit is also with you!
Prairie: We've analyzed the data and foud out a few things. Model W has the power to corrupt machines and humans alike. That's what has been causing the Maverick outbreaks. But Serpent only has the Model W Biometal fragment now. The Model W Core is lying dormant somewhere waiting to be awoken. I'm not sure what that Project Haven Serpent mentioned is... But I think he's going to try and awaken Model W.
Prairie: Sentient programs created with pure energy and made in the image of elves. I don't understand why there are so many of them here. That power plant... It must be using the Cyber-elves to generate power!

Re: Viruses = Demonic Possession in Megaman?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:11 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
Impressive digging you've been doing here.
The way souls are understood in Megaman is quite interesting.
The demonic imagery is appropriate, although down to it, I think it's more like some kind of electromagnetic field that in the backup of all an individual's thoughts, knowledge and will, and some of these fields tend to be bad. It looks like the soul is nothing really surnatural there, the human brain seems to be just a squishy computer which can be hacked, but by a new generation of quite sentient virii which are powerful and bottled up as to travel along energy channels.
You DO like Megaman. :)

Re: Viruses = Demonic Possession in Megaman?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 6:29 am
by Lucky
Mr. Oragahn wrote: The demonic imagery is appropriate, although down to it, I think it's more like some kind of electromagnetic field that in the backup of all an individual's thoughts, knowledge and will, and some of these fields tend to be bad. It looks like the soul is nothing really surnatural there, the human brain seems to be just a squishy computer which can be hacked, but by a new generation of quite sentient virii which are powerful and bottled up as to travel along energy channels.
Dr.Light and Dr.Wily were well versed in electromagnetism, strong force, weak force, and gravity, and evil energy is something new to them. We are talking about metaphysical energies when we talk about Evil Energy(evil), Justice Energy(good), and Alien Energy(neutral).
Mega Man 8 wrote: Duo: This is what you people call 'evil energy.' According to the studies I've done so far, the one who obtained the original energy must be a being of complete evil. This kind of energy absorbs the evil in a person's mind and then multiplies. Judging by the quick rate of its growth, it'll take over the planet with evil energy in a matter of days! We must stop it!
So evil energy feeds off of evil one's mind/soul.

This is something that some people have a hard time grasping about Megaman verse robots and more specifically repliods is that they have metaphysical souls. There is even a repliod after life seen in the Mega Man zero series.

I suppose I should have included the fact that Capcom openly takes things from their Street Fighter games and uses them in their Mega Man games. Magma Dragoon Hadoken, Shoryuken, and his general fighting style and move set are the most blatant things I can think of. To this end Psycho Power and Satsui no Hado are called evil energy, and can likely be used to infer what Evil Energy its similar energies in Mega Man are.
Mr. Oragahn wrote: You DO like Megaman. :)
Nope, I just like watching people play video games, and to that end I have repeatedly watch multiple "Let's Plays" of all the Metroid games, and all the Mega Man games save Legends.

Mega Man has a mostly rational(relatively) and is reasonably internally consistent once you understand the timeline, and it is easy to find transcripts for just about every game.

It isn't fun trying to analyze a setting that is inconsistent.