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What is limiting Mega Man Earth?

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:00 pm
by Lucky

Mega Man Earth seemingly has all the technologies needed for colonizing all the rocky bodies in the Sol system, and they seem to have everything needed for faster then light travel. Is there any logical reason why they seemingly never try to move beyond Earth in a serious manner?

Re: What is limiting Mega Man Earth?

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:25 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
I don't know. In Rockman X, the cities are pretty cramped. Clean, but cramped.
Considering the amount of metals used for such cities, I would find it curious that they wouldn't at least use some kinds of moravecs to do the extra terrestrial mining.

Re: What is limiting Mega Man Earth?

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:24 am
by Lucky
Mr. Oragahn wrote: I don't know. In Rockman X, the cities are pretty cramped. Clean, but cramped.
Considering the amount of metals used for such cities, I would find it curious that they wouldn't at least use some kinds of moravecs to do the extra terrestrial mining.
The original Mega Man/ Rock Man series takes place in 20XX

The Rock Man X/Mega man X series takes place in 21XX.

So, there is a little over 100 years of Mega Man Earth doing very little in space, and then suddenly after Mega Man X2 they seemingly build the Sky Lagoon a floating city above another city, a multiple kilometer weapon satellite in orbit between Mega Man X2 and 4, and a space station/colony that is destroyed and then dropped on Earth in Mega Man 5., and then after Mega Man X7 they design and build a tower to the Moon that is covered in 4 lain highways that spiral up it.

Re: What is limiting Mega Man Earth?

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:13 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
Could be human laziness somehow, just happy with building "small" structures instead of thinking about literally displacing hundreds of thousands or millions to artificial stations elsewhere. It seems they're still happy on their planet and enjoy their post scarcity era, full of fake trees with metal inside.

They clearly have the means to leave, but I guess Earth is good enough because it is naturally inhabitable.
Now with the energy they can produce, it would make sense for them to terraform Mars and perhaps build advanced ecospheres on Venus and exploit the closeness to Sol.
But it seems they just don't give a damn about such projects.
They're more like spoiled brats, totally hedonistics and in panic when robots give them the proverbial finger.