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City of the Spider Queen challenge

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:21 pm
by Narsil
Right, here's the little scenario as I'm going to present it. It's got Trek, it's got Wars, but neither of them are allowed any access to any of their uber awesome technological methods of doing anything. Instead, it's a reliance on skill and ingenuity as the following six Trek/Wars characters face the afformentioned D&D adventure;

Luke Skywalker as of RotJ (no lightsabre, but is allowed the force and is assumed to have decent skill with a longsword, serves as a cleric - with Jedi healing talents, naturally - and diplomat).

Worf, son of Mogh, generic era (armed with his typical melee weapons, serves as a fighter).

James Kirk as of TOS: Arena (armed with a proper renaissance broadsword, serves as a fighter and diplomat).

Han Solo as of RotJ (armed with a set of daggers, serves as a rogue).

Chewbacca as of RotJ (armed with a big axe, serves as a fighter).

Data, generic era (armed with a spellbook containing spells up to fifth level and forced to learn it on the fly, serves as a mage).

Assume Data can learn to use most sorts of arcane magic, but also bear in mind that he's particularly vulnerable to spells that can warp and change the environment. A simple disintegrate spell would probably kill him in a split-second.

The EU for Star Wars is allowable, but it's not going to make much of a big difference in the area of technology. They also have to deal with a little tiny bit of rivalry; without actually directly engaging them violently, they have to defeat the plans of Irae T'sarren before the following characters beat them to it;

Drizzt Do'Urden
Harkle Harpell
Bruenor Battlehammer
Cadderly Bonaduce
Artemis Entreri

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:32 pm
by Cpl Kendall
Can we get a little background information on Irae T'sarren and the competition?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:46 pm
by Narsil
Irae T'sarren is the leader of a horde of drow - some undead, some not - who are opposing the typical rule of Lolth but aren't necessarily a better option and are in many cases much worse. She commands a large army - but not large enough that an adventuring group can't pierce her forces and assassinate her directly. I'll have to read through the adventure itself again later to give numbers and capabilities but she's a powerful drow priestess - twentieth level - and has everything from demons to zombies working for her.

The competition is self explanatory;


Since there isn't a page on Harkle, and information on him is a little hard to come by, we'll substitute Lady Alustriel instead.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:09 pm
by Narsil
All right, here's some numbers as to the Adventure's encounters;

Chapter One


A crypt with a human vampire sorcerer (level 8), a pair of vampire spawn, a ghost aristocrat (level 8), a pair summoned dire lions, a strange demon type creature, two bebiliths (spider demons), two aranea rangers (other type of spider demons), many different sorts of traps and finally a group of drow.

The drow are made up of an eighth level cleric, a seventh level evoker, plus two noble warriors. Close to this encounter, there's a room full of twelve animated skeletons and another of the afformentioned strange demon type creature. A pair of drow sentries and a large wraith spider when you go further on, plus two monstrous spiders a level down from that one. Also in this general area are a pair of driders (centaur-like creatures that are a mix of spider and drow) with a few levels apiece in sorcerer - enough to unleash lightning bolts.

Szith Morcane

Below the crypts there's a drow stronghold, this is where things usually tend to get messy. In retaliation for killing anything encountered above, the drow will often dispatch a pair of raiding parties to deal with any intruders or other such difficulties, split up of the following;

Ten drow warriors, each properly equipped. A pair of quth-maren (drow ghouls), a pair of arcane warriors, Susztam Mar-Shinn (drow shadow adept lvl 11), Zedarr T'sarren (drow elite warrior blackguard lvl 12), plus Velina and Velasta T'sarren (drow clerics, both lvl 10).

The settlement itself has five evokers, two officers, a pair of quth-maren, thirty-two sentries and a noble salamander. The bazaar has a pair of dwarven merchants and their pack lizards, three kuo-toa (may flee, however) and a Mind Flayer who may get involved. Local slavemasters have about thirteen drow warriors, ten drow commoners, led by a slave overseer. Plus, on top of that, an eleventh level cleric. Other slaves include about thirty goblins, eleven bugbears and three stone giants.

The local wizards' tower has a bunch of fighter-wizards and an eighth level wizard leading them, plus - if he hasn't been killed already - Susztam Mar-Shinn the Shadow Adept. If the party is seriously unlucky, they'll earn the attention of the Archmage - who's probably the most threatening thing seen so far being about level 15 and packing eighth-level spells. There are also numerous undead and summoned creatures here - products of odd magic experiments.

In the temple, there's a pair of vampire driders, plus - if they haven't been killed or sent out already - Zedarr, Velasta and Velina and a few vampires, ghouls and other such lovely creatures. The ruler of Szith Morcane is a drow vampire cleric of 11th level, and also Irae T'sarren's daughter and may be encountered alongside the high cleric (12th level). After that, the adventure moves onto chapter two.