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40k invasions versus trek or Stargate

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:37 pm
by User1390
Instead of the DS9 wormhole leading to the gamma quadrant it leads to outskirts of the eye of terror11 and is abitlike the cadian gate now in the same space and a stable escape

after the same length of time of interaction and meetings the 13th black crusade will start invading with fleets one for one the same size as the dominion fleets were initially.

different scenario

Instead of the Ori the 13th Black crusade invades Stargate they know what the ori know about things but will try and convert people chaos style rather than just sending all their ships so they will be limited to the same amount of forces the Ori have.

one toilet ship=a chaos battleship and the super wormhole is a warp portal

Re: 40k invasions versus trek or Stargate

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:45 pm
by sonofccn
Do the Cardassians side with Chaos like they did the Dominion? Did the Obsidian order and the Tal'shirar (sp) launch a "first strike" like they tried agains the Dominon, with the resulting destabilisation brought about by that attack's failure.

Anyway to the actual war I think, assuming a Federation-Klingon joint force, should be able to manage to hold against the black crusade. 40k ships seem to hurl weapons in the nuclear range and while their ships are ungodly huge with many,many guns and are designed to brutally blast their opposites again and again I think with advantages of accuracy and agility a 15-20K force can hold off ten thousand 40K warships.

Exposure to chaos however might be more problematic through it isn't like Trek isn't home to a god awful bunch of god like beings. Hell Q makes the chaos gods, at least in regards to the material universe, look down right puny.

Re: 40k invasions versus trek or Stargate

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:22 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
Might have been good if it weren't for the Ori, who are largely unquantifiable.
Their ships have shown no known limit to how much they can take before being destroyed, save perhaps blowing a planet right in their face.
If an Ori crusader is the equivalent of one of the Black Fleet's most powerful ships, it's making the Chaos warships extremely powerful.
Those ships were supposed to hold their own against a handful ships of the usual Milky Way forces (Tau'ri, Goa'uld/Jaffa, Asgards), all ships which would have no problem to be rated in the hundreds of MT of firepower and would obviously have access to GT weapons considering naqahdah.
If in the battle of Camelot, the Tau'ri used naqahdah enhanced nukes to take down the Ori ships, it's possible that they had access to 1~1.2 gigatons warheads, and the four Ori ships just sat there, taking the fire from two Tau'ri vessels, one Asgard warship, something like seven Ha'taks plus three more from the Lucian Alliance later on.
Of course, TV being TV, they fight at spitting range and their weapons travel slower than the ships themselves. As stupid as it is, we see Ori fast firing cannons shoot blue projectiles which crossed space far faster than their main weapons.


Chaos is a non problem as there's no Immaterium in either Stargate or Star Trek, and only humans in WH40K have been modified by super old ones to related to the Immaterium. Humans in all other universes are simply the equivalent of perfect blanks.
So Chaos will get the WH40K ships nowhere. In fact, without the Immaterium, not only the increase of power they get from it will go down very quickly, but their FTL speeds will suck big times.

Re: 40k invasions versus trek or Stargate

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:57 pm
by Khas
In the finale, IIRC, an Ori ship was destroyed by just a few shots from an Asgard plasma weapon attached to the Odyssey.

Re: 40k invasions versus trek or Stargate

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:26 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
Khas wrote:In the finale, IIRC, an Ori ship was destroyed by just a few shots from an Asgard plasma weapon attached to the Odyssey.
Yeah but how do you plan to quantify that? I mean, aside from visuals that tell you very little, the fact the Odyssey was either powered by something like her original core, a ZPM or/and an Asgard power core.