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The Galactic Empire (ICS EU and all that) vs The Shi'ar

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:53 pm
by Admiral Breetai
basically the keys to the kingdom everything goes for wars the most wankiest calcs in published canon..and the starforge etc etc

vs one of the largest and most aggressive Imperial powers in sci fi

scenario 1: the Empire at it's prime

scenario 2: it's current dilapidated state

Re: The Galactic Empire (ICS EU and all that) vs The Shi'ar

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:56 pm
by Khas
Shi'ar take this. I mean, they control, what, 30 galaxies? Compared to the not-even-one controlled by the GE? Even if they're ships aren't as powerful as the GE's they still could just Zerg Rush the GE into oblivion.

Re: The Galactic Empire (ICS EU and all that) vs The Shi'ar

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:20 pm
by Admiral Breetai
they used they got completely screwed by vulcan collapsed and currently are vassals of kree Imperial space..err what's left of them after having been nearly exterminated by the empire and then later the phalanx

now it's about one and a half Galaxies..with Gladiator having taken over, they lost all their hyper advanced tech but gained the ability to hurl suns around..and i think still have access to the tech needed to produce Nega Bombs

Re: The Galactic Empire (ICS EU and all that) vs The Shi'ar

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:50 pm
by General Donner
What are the Shia'r?

Re: The Galactic Empire (ICS EU and all that) vs The Shi'ar

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:26 pm
by Admiral Breetai
General Donner wrote:What are the Shia'r?'ar

some relevant parts
Though the empire has grown to include hundreds of thousands of different sentient species and worlds, the Shi'ar race controls and governs the empire. Its central base of power is located on the "throneworld" Chandilar, while the Shi’ar homeworld is called Aerie (it is unknown if the planet still exists). The leader of the empire is given the title Majestor (male) or Majestrix (female) and is a hereditary position, occupied by members of the royal family of the Shi'ar. Formerly, the Neramani family represented the royal bloodline.

The Shi'ar Empire is one of the most advanced and expansive civilizations in the universe, spanning entire galaxies. It is mainly an economic co-operative, where trade with other galactic powers is its driving force. Not all races have the same rights in the Imperium, as the Shi’ar appear to have a disproportionate influence on its governance.

It is nominally ruled over by a high council, which has representatives from a large majority of the alien races that exist within the Imperium. However, in practice, the head of the council (the Majestor or Majestrix) exercises strong executive control and can institute policy virtually by decree.

The leader of the empire is protected by his or her own personal guard, the Imperial Guard, which is made up of the most powerful and elite soldiers from throughout the Empire, and led by a praetor. The military itself (outside of the Imperial Guard) has been depicted as consisting almost exclusively of Shi'ar personnel, at least in most of the command positions.

Though having warlike and militaristic ancestry, the Shi'ar Empire has largely occupied the role of peacekeepers in many interstellar affairs. Just to name a few, Empress Lilandra Neramani tried to broker peace between the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire to help bring an end to their devastating war, sand attempted to avenge the destruction of Tarnax IV, the Skrull throneworld, by Galactus.
However, it should also be noted that Empress Lilandra was personally responsible for authorizing the use of the Nega-bomb weapon, devastating the Kree Empire during Operation: Galactic Storm, and that the Shi’ar were pivotal in the invasion and containment of Earth during the Maximum Security event. One of the latest atrocities committed by the Shi’ar was ordering the extermination of Jean Grey’s family, in an effort to quell any future conflicts with the Phoenix entity.
worth noting that those Nega bombs are missile sized Halo rings and the part of the Kree empire they devastated was an entire galaxy which got wiped of all sentient life

mind you they aren't as powerful as they once had been declining due largely to the events of the IG saga..Odins fighting Surtur (in which a dozen Galaxies under their control got destroyed by Odin) and the the phoenix and Cassandra novas rampages through their turf

but their still pretty potent

Re: The Galactic Empire (ICS EU and all that) vs The Shi'ar

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:04 pm
by General Donner
Ah. Those guys. I'd forgotten all about them.

Do the comics give any numbers on what they can do? IIRC they were afraid of Phoenix when she was around, but I haven't really kept up on X-Men for a number of years now.

Re: The Galactic Empire (ICS EU and all that) vs The Shi'ar

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:17 pm
by Admiral Breetai
General Donner wrote:Ah. Those guys. I'd forgotten all about them.
they're pretty cool though recently they got royally screwed
General Donner wrote: Do the comics give any numbers on what they can do? IIRC they were afraid of Phoenix when she was around, but I haven't really kept up on X-Men for a number of years now.
in their prime? individual fleets numbering in the hundreds of thousands small missiles about the size of 20ft fishing boat that are essentially halo rings in terms of five of them is enough to eradicate all organic sentient life in a galaxy , time dilation tech and so on.

in their current state? fleets in the hundreds or low single digit thousands..(with fire power about comparable to the high ICS figures for smaller craft) and the ability to hurl suns at enemy fleets..and they have star killing missiles but I think they might lack the halo type bombs

Gladiators there too the mans biceps can crush worlds and he did manage to punch the enterprise once hah

edit- any space fairing power would be scared of the phoenix force it's essentially a sentient genesis device that has access all the life force that has or ever will exist..across multiple realities..the Shi'ar went to great efforts to contain and minimize it..even going as far as to attempt genocide against earth and the kree once..

I think their fear is I said most space fairing powers would fear it