Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Admiral Breetai » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:06 pm

"I am Anubis"

"Ah the ancient death god! I am Im'pec silver handed! The slayer of gods!"

"you will parish dust mite" *calls forward Kull warriors*

"Yes! Yes! Bring your hordes of the unknown dead! Craven god of judgment! Hov'gor has not tasted the essence of a god for some years! JAMES! RAINBIRD JACKSON! TO ME MY BROTHERS!!"

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Praeothmin » Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:30 am


That would be a glorious battle...

I am sad I haven't the time to write it... :)

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by sonofccn » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:28 pm

My own offering to build on Breetia's. And apologies in advance for every character I managled. ;)

“Lucian corsairs shredding our shipping fleets, Trollocks raiding out frontiers, a surging Star league pressing on our throat, entire worlds blotted out and swallowed by swarms of Megarachnis, the whole universe it seems is coming apart. Maybe it is but the Emperor has decreed this shall not be, that the Galaxy, the Empire, shall endure. And you are the Men, and Women, who will carry out that command. Holding it together with bare hands and teeth if you must.” Excerpt of Admiral Guylos commencement address to the Academy graduating class.
Ord Tyrus, Jedi Temple-

“I’m still not sure I follow your logic.” Dartanis asked out loud after what he felt was a suitable passage.

The Al-Aurian holding up a gem studded chalice to be refilled with a pleasing lavender wine, through no match for Romulan ale, as he wiped the grease from his mouth with his napkin. Adding it, when he was finished, to his stained silver, serving platter and his crisscrossed gold utensils lain on the silken and embroidered table cloth. Each placement equally voluptuously decorated, a virtual kings ransom in finery from the bejeweled gravy pourer to the hearty, amber colored oak of each of their velvet padded seats. Such trappings frivolously easy to come by since the advent of replicator technology of course but the sheer quantity of it and the immaculate quality was in its own way pleasing if only fleetingly.

“My dear fellow, I’m not sure I follow your meaning.” The purple Vorta byzantinely answered with one of his disarming smiles, revealing nothing.

Through their host and through he sat prominently at the head of the table the aged and weary looking Vi’retess’s chair and wares were far from the most lustrous and grand. While not so unassuming as to stand out his seat was faintly smaller and less intricately designed, his goblet lacking as many rubies and sapphires as his peers.

“Enforcing, however subtly, his guise of a humble preacher.” Dartanis had noted to himself when he realized it.” As if to suggest his motives and goals are somehow purer than this den of cutthroats and butchers.”

To the smug purple bastard he voiced something far different.

“I can see how your ossified Dominion benefits from the Star League bashing itself the Klingon and Galactic Empires.” The Al-Aurian said weightily, pausing as he drank from his deeply filled glass.” I can even see how the League will benefit but I fail to see how all of us can as you claimed.”

“ You can’t? My apologies then.” The venerable and wicked Vorta chuckled.”The Galactic Empire, too large to be absorbed, will have a clear and unified threat to which they can galvanize against. Lord Roshzenko further ingrates his Empire to a colossal industry which, even decimated, has yet to reach its full potential. The Dominion is of course posed to collect certain leavings neither side will be able to hold and perhaps greatest of all the League gets purpose. Billions of wayward souls for you to save, to bring into your flock and teach the joys of truth, justice and the “All-American way”. ”

All of which was, at best, half truths. There easily being dozens of side ventures and projects in motion by the assembled sitting at the table, each one of which assured, if it was carried through, of tilting the advantage in the extreme to its leader. None of which was spoken of, for what man doesn’t wish his enemy to be fed placating lies and reassurances.

“Accepting all you said at face value, why the summons?” Alexander asked using his knife and fork to slice off another chunk of meat from his steak, despite the clearly human motions of his actions rich, red blood oozed from the dripping morsel onto his plate.” What does it gain you by us meeting?”

This Dartanis and the others all nodded in agreement, not that each couldn’t see a profitable tangent but in hopes of solving whatever game the old Vorta had planned. He’d answer with lies, or partial truths, of course but even lies could tell you of the person and what he knew.

“Yes, I suppose none of you would believe it was for the enjoyment of your company?” He playfully queried before becoming serious, an act which in his case made him appear like a grandfather about to tell some new tale or story.” Very well. As each of you are well aware the Dominion is a civilization built upon the bedrock of stability and tranquility.”

“To the stifling of expression of all else.” Thrawn noted grimly, having found the art of its client members post contact exceedingly dull and unimaginative.

“Yes well, as it is we prefer order, order on the scale of millennia, to the chaos. Our peace to your frequent clashes and disputes.” Vi’retress started then stopped and sighed as if the whole statement was an occidental outburst from a befuddled and senile mind.” But such discussions are hardly new my friends and best left to the chronicles of history. If there should be any for Man, Klingon or the Founders.”

“If?” Dartanis voiced with a raised eyebrow, as much a thinly veiled threat as a question.” You would have us believe otherwise?”

“Yes, my friends. For the sake of our children’s children. Metaphorically speaking, of course, in my case.” The old Vorta explained rising from the table with an exaggerated sigh, producing his cane which he hobbled on as he gestured for the others to remain sitting.” Do not trouble yourselves, eat and enjoy, I can still manage yet.”

“Of this I have no doubt.” Alexander thought but didn’t say, watching the old devil approach the center of the room.

Producing a small, rectangular control from somewhere on his person, the sight of which bristled everyone seated until its purpose became clear with the holographic simulacrum which blossomed beside the wrinkled Vorta. An extensively high quality recreation, to the depths one could see the individual beads of sweat running down the characters, created in miniature of a squalid, Imperial settlement. A solitary dusky road snaking its way past the grungy, graffiti covered pre-formed hab-blocks which made up far too many of the “cities” on the fringes of Imperial space. Lusterless colonies across the wide gulf of the frontier which had begun to fester and rot like a rancid tooth. Inglorious backwaters too unimportant for grandiose development projects, lacking in wealth to fund their own and which the Empire was too stubborn to part with whatever the reason.

Through, in the case of the playing hologram, such desire was academic. Each spectator silently watching the grim, pale faced soldiers of the Imperial Army, roughly their equivalent to a Planetary Defense Force, regress across the scene. Scampering like frightened womp rats through filthy alleyways or storefronts before the advancing enemy. And through none would ever allow himself to show it, each watcher felt some miniscule tingle of fear as the first of the skull-faced ebony statues marched into vantage point. A battle droid, through one unlike the Galaxy had seen for eons, which causally ignored the blaster fire pecking smoldering gouts through its iron flesh as it traversed its shimmeringly green, glowing weapon across. Men, weapons, even ferroconcrete flayed away into the ethers. And behind this machine-man, this mechanical abomination, toiled uncounted more. A solemn sea of iron bodies which flooded the recorded image until it winked out.

“Emperor’s Blessing, recorded little more than a week ago. Pitiably it has since gone silent.” Vi’retes explained as the image shifted.

This one to the barren wastes of outer space, the vista wrecked by the burning detritus of birds of prey and Vorcha cruisers encircling a swampy bog of a world. Several more, still intact, sinking deeper into its marshy atmosphere as they fired upon the descending slips and torpedoes which rained torrentially from the invading force. Some of which were clearly and utterly alien of origin, craggy cylindrical with dragging tendrils or stalagmites, while the greater share bore the familiar shape of the Klingon Defense Force. It was one of these the recorded image focused, narrowing in and expanding it to show the scuttling, spider like horrors writhing over its now desecrated hull.

“The colony Quv vo' batlh shortly before its star was prematurely triggered into supernova. That, even to the end, they did not stop fighting is a credit to your people Lord Roshzenko.”

To this Alexander nodded briskly through inwardly he was less sympathetic to the stubbornness of the Squadron’s commander whom had countermanded Alexander’s concise orders to rescue the colonists they could and evacuate. Through the Commander’s, of a house not aligned with his goals, hero death did free later actions which he could benefit.

Continuing on the hologram changed once again, becoming a stillborn night in a once glittering metropolises. Now it was demolished, broken stubs protruding from the scorched ground, and treaded upon by the beleaguered defenders. PDF forces, who scurried from crumbling battlement to collapsed wall as they fought. High tech phaser beams lacing the dark night’s air along side primitive projectile fire, crude missiles and brass shells which slammed unholy vengeance on the enemy. Not that it made the slightest difference to the carpet of chitin, the tide filling the expanse of the holo recording. Some on ramshackle carriers, converted from whatever they could loot or build, others scuttling on their lower four limbs. The upper most pair of the remaining two, ending in ivory scythes, they used as axes, cleavers and lances to cut away any footsoldier they drew close to while the last two sprayed indiscriminately with the bulky but effective slugthrowers the race preferred.

The fall of New Detroit, such a waste.” The Vorta intoned lowering his head as a cursing sergeant was harpooned, flung up and torn in two before the audience.” There was hardly time to evacuate all but the most meager percentage of the population. My deepest condolences for your lost. For all of yours, through suffering is not unknown to the Dominion.”

The image changing to stark daylight, a rolling prairie where hover-tanks sped across exchanging fire pulsating, turtlish ground crawlers. Frame entering troop carriers disgorged blue skinned Jem’Hadar and from their fleshy opposites towering, tripedal , grayish-purple skinned organisms. The latter absorbing numerous volleys, even at highest power, before subsuming as they rushed slashing apart their enemies or held back firing from parasitically attached bio-guns.

“ Will of the Founders, one of the Dominion’s crown jewels, wiped out by the Undine in less than two of its rotations. Fifty-three hours in accepted Earth chronology, can you image it?” Vi’retess said wearily as the recording played out.” More than a billion devoted souls extinguished by the most visceral and bloody means imaginable.”

“The point of all this is…?” Gendo, breaking his silence, asked.

The human sitting with his hands folded in front of him as a pyramid as he’d done for most of the feasting, eating and drinking little and saying even less. Merely watching, waiting, studying.

“To illustrate poignantly that no matter our petty squabbles and disputes we all have a great thing in common. We are the forces of order who stand against chaos, the ranks of civilization who hold back the barbarians. We’re not for us this Galaxy would descend in animalistic anarchy as Trollocs battle Megarachnid for some transitory moment of superiority.” The old Vorta exclaimed holding his cane out towards the still playing hologram.” A fate which may still befall us all. Every day our enemies grow bolder, more vicious.”

“No more than we to each other, why should I prefer your Dominion to any of these “barbarians”?” Gendo asked speaking for the entire room.

“Because, properly speaking, our glorious confederacy will never devour the flesh from your bones. Such reassurances you won’t receive from them.” Vi’retess answered with a sickeningly whimsical smile.” More importantly for each of us, if we waylaid by his rival, our people will endure. We wish to conquer, to teach or subjugate not destroy, not consume. There is the chance, the hope, that we can overcome, however many years and generations, which you will not find in the Necron horde. Fall once and it will be forever.”

“And you propose we join in eradicating these “barbarians” even as we’re at each other throats?” The blue skinned Chiss asked.” Further exhausting our stores while the Dominion sits fat and idle?”

“No, my friends. Through us joining fleets would be a noble effort each is too deeply entrenched. Too intractable for that to work.” The Vorta challenged.” But the confusion of the Galactic War does offer us the opportunity to move a small task force unaware and unseen by our enemies’ numerous eyes. One large enough to undertake a single, spectacular mission. One which will assure our fortunes.”

Pressing the controller again the hologram jumped to an orbital shot of a dark, nebulous planetary-moon caught in the murky orbit of a bloated gas giant. Its own constellation of satellites, all artificial, encircling in rings around it. Beyond that its dense fog like ether betrayed nothing, cloaking all in its abysmal embrace.

“Hardly a tourist spot.” Dartanis quipped studying it, finding nothing remotely familiar in his memory.” Who owns this rock, are you asking us to attack the Gorn Confederacy, the Tholian remnant, the Confederacy of the Aschen?”

“None of these. This is
Diabolus Viscus.” Viretess explained.” The refuge of fallen Lord Anubis.”

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Praeothmin » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:35 am

Your two dallies in this mixed verse are great, and it frustrates me that I cannot participate at this time... :(

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Khas » Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:45 am

Yes, Gendo Ikari approves of your depiction of him (Well, FPE Gendo does, anyway. Canon NGE Gendo, well, who can say?)


All is going according to his scenario.

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Khas » Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:30 am

On another note, just because the Star League believes that the Trollocs were created by a rogue Goa'uld, doesn't mean that they were. As Gabriel Angelos said, "no known Goa'uld goes by the name 'Great Lord of the Dark'."

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by mojo » Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:42 am

The Story of the Universe in Which All the Pornstars Who Were Really Hot Female Pornstars Were in Love with MoJo, and They All Want to Serve Him in All the Ways You Could Possibly Imagine, Yes, Even in That Way You're Thinking of Right Now, Also, Scarlett Johanssen Even Though That's Really Cliched, and Alyssa Milano but Not Alyssa Milano Now or Even Alyssa Milano Back During the Time When She Was On That Show Charmed, I Mean Alyssa Milano From the Time During Which She Was Filming The Boobie Movie Poison Ivy 2, and In This Universe MoJo Also Has All the Superpowers and Can Turn Them On and Off, and Lives Forever In A Constant State of Permanent Orgasm, Which Is Adjustable So That It's Not Like He Just Rolls Around On the Floor All the Time Unable To Do Anything Else, and Would Have All the Money If He Wanted It, but He Doesn't Because He Has a Star Trek Replicator Only Without any Of The Limitations of the Ones in the Show So Why Would He Even Bother

Chapter One

'Man, this is awesome,' MoJo said. 'I think I will use my god-like power to force Mike DiCenso to forgive me for my behavior whilst I was nearly incapacitated mentally. Also, boobs now.'
Boobs appeared.


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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by mojo » Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:44 am

i want to live in THAT ONE.

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Praeothmin » Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:26 am

I think your title is a bit long, but other than that, the story's got panache and flair... :)

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by mojo » Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:35 pm

thanks praeo. that sucks about the title though, considering the title of the sequel.

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Praeothmin » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:44 am

Well, maybe you could, mm, I don't know, limit your title to the first 5 words, and then put the rest in the story... :)

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Admiral Breetai » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:05 am

damn sonof that was spectacular...captured pretty much Vi'retess perfectly and the quote from Guylos there..awesome actually I think you wrote the mad preacher better than I ever have..thanks

as a present..here you guys go

we fight'n enemies that are more advanced than us and be decla'rn war on us for the scumbags and criminals within our ranks what been runn'n a regime of terror and brutality, well that aint what the empire stands fer, and it aint the place of sanctimonious outsiders ta tell us how to clean our own house! So boys! Shoot those bastards! Teach 'em some humility! Kock'em off 'er clouds!

Admiral Thanagar addressing the Rams of Thos Sejas sixteenth fleet of the imperial Navy upon assuming command

"nice of Admiral Dartanis to lend us the Sarmiento isn't it?" Luke Skywalker asked, he had been in his fare share of vessels over the last couple of years from rundown hunks of rust to the massive Mon Cal cruisers with their marine like appearance and crew quarters very clearly designed to at one point have served as passenger liners and luxury vessels for mass transport. Luke had heard the ships were capable of exiting hyperspace and dropping onto a planets ocean to glide seamlessly in the water like some great marine leviathan but he had never seen that for himself. He didn't actually think any vessel that massive could actually defy a planets gravity until he saw a Klingon Neg'var chase a star league Galaxy class vessel into a gas giant well beyond the safety ranges of Captain Garros own vessel. The titanic struggle had occurred deep in the green world and all they witnessed were hellish discharges of energy and radiation lighting up the skies, igniting pockets of unstable gas causing massive continent sized fire.

From that hell a half dead Galaxy limped out, half her side missing and a large portion of the saucer with a hole blown clean through. Whatever battle the two fought it was desperate and it was mean and it terrified the Imperial forces present at the battle who had watched for the first time their allies take a loss in battle.

Captain Kirkinger nodded "with the musashi undergoing a refit and the Voth busy assembling a coalition of the few remaining old powers to fight the children of Adam I was glad to accept the offer" the truth was as much he loved his little ship the Sarmiento was a mobile space station that had weapons and industrial replicators that put most league frontier planetary infrastructures and defenses to shame. Flying through space with this giant made it seem less horrific, that they were very close to engaging a fallen energy being with a horde of advanced technology.

Jackson was perhaps one of the most ferocious Imperial officers Kirkinger had ever faced in battle outside of the Ram the fact that he was lazily napping on one of the luxurious leather sofas in the mess and recreation hall despite what they were heading into was what impressed him.

The Space Marine Angelos was reading in the holodeck he seemed quite fascinated with the military history of the Milky way Galaxy and the lack of truly malevolent creator beings.

Luke walked with the Captain towards the mess hall the two hadn't eaten in several hours for different reasons. Luke was deep in meditation, gathering his feelings and communing with the force, receiving some last minute lessons in light saber combat from Yoda (Luke still couldn't get over seeing him the equivalent of end of middle aged, he thought he saw actual muscle on those tiny arms) Kirkinger had, had a long conversation with Guinan about their Al-Aurian Admiral and his history, Kirkinger had served with her grandson in battle against the Gorn and her great grandson currently served as the head of stellar cartography aboard the Sarmiento and had been aboard the Musashi for her fateful voyage. The conversation was more than a little disheartening - ask yourself why would he volunteer his ship, his personal flagship unless he had something to gain by it, be careful what you look for out there Kirkinger- the woman chose her friends very carefully and was enigmatic enough that he had long ago learned to trust her insights.

as he entered the hall through the second floor his eyes widened at the sight of the energy waves of subspace as she tore through slipstream like a bullet. He hadn't really taken the time to sit down and enjoy the the scenery, while he missed his vessel and wanted to get back to the old girl he had never been in one of the modified Sovereigns (or any Sovereign outside of that diplomatic function with the Medusans) and he didn't really grasp the magnitude of the vessels size until he realized the mess hall and rec center was more or less the size of the Musashi's saucer section. he looked down and could see the crew eating and laughing others training and conditioning

he Commander Ben (at least that was the only part of the Hortas name they could pronounce) sitting off to the side with Riddick, the sight of the ferocious criminal chatting it up with what amounted to a gigantic rock was a sight Kirkinger was still getting used too but apparently the head of security of the Sarmiento and Riddick seemed get along swimmingly - upon asking Ben about it the Horta responded that they "spoke the same language" and he wasn't particularly certain that, that wasn't the most terrifying news he had received in a long time.

Off on the side James Reynolds was sitting and talking with Commodore John Rainbird, Kirkinger. Rainbird another legend, the Apache warrior chief had lectured the year he had graduated Starfleet academy and it was rumored he had been among the people whose templates were chosen for an EVA unit (although scuttlebutt said the sheer animosity between Gendo and the chief made that unlikely) what he did know was that the man was a legend both in war and in diplomacy, a peace maker some said descended directly from the Augment war chief who ruled from Mexico to Washington state for fifteen years, others said he was simply gifted and spiritual whatever the truth was he expected the old man to be leading this directly, however Rainbird had specifically requested Kirkinger and his team and put them in charge -while the Commodore ran the big picture the actual running of the ship and the decisions made for the vessel in the heat of battle were given to him. Kirkinger suspected the Indian master would be leading the ground forces directly.

James for his part seemed in good spirits and he often wondered what would happen if Reynolds met the old Apache or his Klingon rival in battle who would win?

Kirkinger wondered where the massive Klingon Dahar master was

the high pitched war cry and tell tell hum of a lightsaber answered his question, Kirkinger gaped as he watched Yoda explode through several automatic doors launched like a projectile that flew through the air, the tiny master flew seemingly lifeless until suddenly he swiftly with unknown grace and delicacy shifted his course correction and grabbed the railing launching himself forward barreling towards his massive Target

Hov'gor clashed with his green lightsaber mid air as Yoda flipped over him and landed lunging forward to stab the nine foot Klingon in the lower back, Im'pec turned laughing his heard flowing his gigantic scarred up fat frame moving with the same unexpected agility until blade clashed against Yodas who responded by using the force to launch the massive klingon forward his huge frame almost smashing into Kirkinger had Riddick not jerked him out of the way.

Im'pecs massive frame dug into the ground, Hov'gor penetrated the floor and he held himself, Yoda landed and with a breath began to increase the pressure applied to the giant, to bring him down to send him flying. Im'pec's silver hand gripped the blade and his great form slowly rumbled agonizingly pace after pace, he fought Yodas full might until at last he was in striking distance and with a loud roar brought the star breaker forward, the diminutive master jumped onto the might black blade then hopped into the air putting distance between himself and the Dahar Master again

the two now stood ten meters between each other, Riddick, Luke, James, Angelos even Jackson had stirred to watch the two masters brawl

James moved to help as did Luke but Rainbirds firm grip on the augment stopped him and Angelos shook his head "no boy..you are useless in such a battle"

both men stood opposite each other, Yodas eyes burned with a deep fire that matched the power in the eyes of Im'pec Tyrant slayer

Yoda had killed a founder in a battle a year ago, Im'pec like Rainbird and Sisko had become legendary for facing down one the Changlings who led the Dominion war

it was..a battle between God slayers..

the two of them lunged forward then suddenly..stopped

and then began laughing "Had them going we did!" Yoda said with a mischievous smile that only brightened at the look of frustration on Lukes face. Angelos nodded approvingly and Riddick smirked before he and his rock companion resumed their conversation. Both Rock and man internally analyzing their chances against such men and appraising their skills accordingly.

"Indeed!" Im'pec said his laugh booming as his stomach shook "you are a powerful and just warrior my dear friend! Your eyes! I could see into your soul in the heat of battle! You have made a great many mistakes my old friend and your failures may have come from arrogance but you have learned much from them that is a rare thing among all those who take up the blade in the name of peace"

Yoda nodded with his assessment sheathing his saber and resuming a walk with his cane (more force of habit now and not necessity) "a lesson learned you have as well?" he asked. Im'pec nodded looking at his silver hand "the price I paid for it was far less than what you and the black Knight of the Empire paid" he said. Yoda nodded "yes, true but count myself blessed I do, for mistakes made by the old, serve as a tool for the young they do"

"and what better lesson than scars visible!" he said laughing Yoda chuckled, he wasn't the biggest fan of the Klingons love for battle but he could not help but respect the mans warriors pride, like Rainbird a kindred spirit a fellow old warrior who learned that victories of the mind and soul, and of the word were far more glorious than of the battlefield. That doing a just and honorable thing even if it meant going against dogma was far more pure than towing the line.

"however not alone are we" Yoda said and Im'pec nodded, young skywalker. James and the Furyan were all the knights of the future and their armored champions Angelos and Jackson would do many great things "for them we must set an example and humble these young fools before their egos grow too much"

Yoda laughed "oh it is of humbling pride you speak of? funny, for thought showing up these cocky youths was your true goal"

Im'pec laughed grabbing a wooden keg of beer from the replicator in his massive hand and pouring it down his throat "Master Yoda! I am a warrior! I pursue honor and not pride!"

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Praeothmin » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:39 am

Very nice, I like the background you gave Kirkinger, you fleshed him out much more than I had...
Nice battle between Yoda and Im'Pec, though I know the Jedi Master was holding back... :)

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by Admiral Breetai » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:30 am

Praeothmin wrote:Very nice, I like the background you gave Kirkinger, you fleshed him out much more than I had...
Nice battle between Yoda and Im'Pec, though I know the Jedi Master was holding back... :)
I'm glad you did, writing that was nerve wracking wasn;t sure you'd approve.

Of course he was, both were Yoda more so of course, it was less an all out brawl and more a friendly sparring session slash screwing with the youngsters

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Re: Which fanfic universe would you rather live in?

Post by sonofccn » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:05 pm

@ Breetia

Thank you for the compliments and approval regarding Vi'retess. So at least I didn't make a total mockery of everyone's characters. ;)

Nice segment addition, a little "getting to know you" time with the dogs of War before they get dropped in the grinder. I espcially liked how Jackson knows what to do before a "drop", instead of goofing off he's getting nice and rested for when he punches a "god" in the face really hard. And if I haven't said it before Thanagar is a true son of Soth Thejas.

A question through. Is the Sarmiento by itself or part of a small task force? Asking because, if no one else wants it, I was thinking of having a short space battle scene when they reach the planet.

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