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Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 6:40 pm
by Khas
Lt. Cmdr. Khas - Sciences
Stardate 60033.5

I saw the Nebulon-B's design, and frankly, I was less than impressed. A long thin part connected to massive, easily exposed sublight engines formed a recipe for easy destruction. However, maybe these people simply had different design aesthetics then we did.

Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:19 pm
by Cocytus
Commander Cocytus
Chief Engineer

I checked my initial anger quickly. The destruction of the enemy vessel meant the salvation of our ship and all of my colleagues. I chastised myself for the selfishness of wanting to see the enemy's technology and, thus rebuked, set about restoring order in my engine room.

The ship had taken quite a pounding. Starboard shields were sapped, and the emitters looked close to failure. But that was nothing a few hours of repairs couldn't handle.

Unfortunately, it did not appear that we would get a few hours, as something new appeared on scanners, and I checked my external sensor feed with apprehension. What greeted me was nothing like I expected. Two additional vessels had appeared, yet they were considerably smaller than the first, less that half the length of our own, and of a design that confounded my own design sensibilities. The first vessel had been uncompromisingly martial in appearance. It's technology was oddly anachronistic, but the intentions of its builders were unmistakably clear. These however were ungainly, with a large forward section organized on a vertical axis, connected to a drive section by a narrow tube. I thought immediately of Klingon ships that had similar tubes connecting the bridge section to the engineering hull, but Klingon ships were graceful and agile and, even if the bridge section were severed from the rest of the ship, control could be established from Engineering. Their centers of mass were well back in the engineering hull. In the case of these ships, it seemed like their centers of mass might actually be somewhere along the neck itself, placing all sorts of bending stresses on it anytime a maneuver was executed. Surely, these can't be terribly fast or agile vessels.

I completed the restoration of plasma flow to the starboard shield emitters, but the emitters themselves were still running hot. I'd have to get a crew up there to cool them off. As I was simultaneously working and analysing the new vessels' designs another alarm sounded, one I knew the tune of all too well.

The antimatter containement field strength was fluctuating. I called the bridge. One of the hits to the engineering section must have impacted the field stabilizers.

"Bridge, this is Engineering. Antimatter containment field is fluctuating. Recommend against warp drive until the field can be stabilized."

Whoever this Empire is, they know we're here, and that we aren't going anywhere too quickly.

Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 1:39 pm
by Praeothmin
Lt Praeothmin, Chief Security Officer:

After escorting our "guest" off the Bridge, I checked the damage reports, and wasn't relieved by them.
I was evaluating what Security could do to help when I received a report of new enemy ships coming in.
With our ship in very bad shape, I could only imagine combat would be very detrimental to us, so I quickly organized groups of security officers as Rescue Teams, 4 a piece, that would stand by to assist with any crisis on board.
The rest of the security staff was told to expect boarders, so they were deployed at critical locations on the ship, anywhere an enemy might gain a foot hole after Transportation, and where they could hurt us most: Enigneering (10 officers), Bridge (6 officers), main computer Core (6 officers), Sick Bay (6 officers), Pylon access (4 officers each), and the rest I set up as roaming Security groups, ready to come in and assist any of the primary groups requiring assistance.
We would not be caught with our pants down a second time...

Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:19 am
by Enterprise E
Commander Enterprise E - Fighter Squadron Leader:

In the holo-simulation, a volley of photon torpedoes from a Jem'Hadar Battleship streaked towards the Starfleet Jedi at blazing speed. Still, since the ship was at the maximum effective weapons range, it still gave myself and the rest of my squadron time to shoot down the torpedoes. Reds One (myself) through Eight engaged fired on the torpedoes. We managed to shoot down three torpedoes directly, detonating them well away from the ship, and we managed to knock another two off course enough for the Starfleet Jedi's to be sufficient to evade them. The three remaining torpedoes managed to strike the ship, but suffering only three torpedo strikes was much better than suffering the full effects of the barrage.

The Starfleet Jedi returned fire with a full phaser, photon, and quantum torpedo barrage. Reds Eight through Fifteen, the rest of my squadron added their own fire to the fire of the Sovereign class ship's. The Jem'Hadar Battleship, which had already been damaged earlier in the simulated battle, was destroyed by the torrent of fire unleashed on it. The ship cracked like an egg and then exploded like an old Earth fragmentation grenade.

It was there that the simulation had ended. The image of the cockpit and the battlefield in space disappeared, replaced by the yellow square patterns on the walls of the holodeck. I examined the final tally of the battle. We had destroyed the entire squadron of Cardassian Fighters while suffering no losses, and we managed to destroy the Keldon class ship that had been escorting the battleship, only suffering the destruction of one fighter, and that pilot had managed to eject, and had survived the entire battle. All in all, it was as perfect a simulation as could be. But it was just like so many of the other simulations that I had been drilling the other members of my squadron on.

"Okay, take ten, men," I called out to my squadron. "After that, report back here. I've got another simulation that may have more relevance for us, here."

With that, I watched as my men filed out and headed to catch their breaths. I then began to program the holodeck with a new simulation. I pulled out the PADD that Captain JediMasterSpock had handed me on the Imperial ship that we had encountered. I decided to add a few modifications to the program, especially with regards to its starfighter complement. I needed my squadron to be ready for anything, just in case we fell under attack again.

Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 8:42 pm
by Trinoya
I was escorted down pass many of their decks and into what appeared to be a fighter bay. A man was looking at a device there and I approached.

"Good evening." I paused. I could feel that my presence on board this ship was putting many people off... They weren't xenophobic... but cautious.

"I do not mean to intrude... but are these the fighters your people fly?"

Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 11:48 am
by Roondar
As I watched the increasingly agitated verbal exchange between our captain and theirs, it became clear to me that the Empire and the Federation where never going to be much more than enemies.

Halfway through the conversation, one of the ships suddenly vanished and presumably went into FTL. I couldn't tell, tactical scanners assumed the use of warpdrive or similar technology. They'd have to be modified for us to be able to detect whatever these imperial ships used for FTL. Presuming that was possible.

The debate more and more became an Imperial captain tirading against our action of defending ourselves against them. And then, suddenly, the Imperial captain hung up. His last words where the threat of war and how the Federation would be made to pay for our insolence. Insolence indeed, we defended ourselves against an unprovoked attack!

With our warpdrive offline and my gut feeling telling me the Empire ship had send its companion for reinforcements and not on a sightseeing trip to Risa, this was definitely turning into one of those days...

Oh well, at least our torpedo systems where back online and fully operational. Now if only those shieldemitters where repaired before they came back!

Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:05 pm
by Enterprise E
Commander Enterprise E - Fighter Squadron Leader:

While I was waiting for the breaks to finish, I decided to monitor the situation on the bridge from a console in the simulator. I found that ships from this Empire had returned and I had a feeling that we would be called into action very shortly. I tapped my comm badge and said, "Everybody listen up, change of plans. Your break's over now. I need you to report to the fighter bay on the double. The situation outside seems to have deteriorated and we need to be ready to be called at a moment's notice.

A chorus of affirmatives answered me and I, too, made my way over to the main fighter bay. Once I had arrived, I entered the bay and was surprised to find the passenger that we had rescued from the Empire, I had learned that his name was Trinoya, talking with one of the mechanics. As I entered, I felt the power that Trinoya possessed as he turned to face me. I did not know what to make of his presence down in the fighter bay, though. "Hello," I said, not trying to sound hostile, but I did not know if he knew I was more curious than suspicious. I was still a little suspicious of him, though. After all, he was not a crew member and I did not like it when strangers were inside my squadron's fighter bay. "My name is Enterprise E. I am the fighter squadron commander onboard this ship. May I ask what you are doing in the fighter bay?"

Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:35 am
by Trinoya
As I looked over the fighter with curiosity I took note of its unusual design.

"I've requested access in the hopes of being able to learn enough so that if the imperials discover me on board I can escape under the guise of stealing one of your craft. The last thing your people want is a war with them.

Your fighters do intrigue me though... I see no blaster cannons or obvious launch systems... perhaps they are concealed in some manner? Also, I do not see your repulsor lifts."

"They're aren't as large as the Y-Wings I'm used too... Perhaps you can educate me more on their functionality... I believe your superiors thought it best I learn to be of more use.... perhaps I can trade my knowledge of imperial fighter tactics for your fast and expert assistance?"

Re: For Fun, the SFJ members crew a Starfleet vessel.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:55 pm
by Enterprise E
Commander Enterprise E - Fighter Squadron Leader:

I considered what Trinoya was offering. I could easily see the logic in his proposition. It was him, after all, that the Empire was after. Still, I did not like the idea of him going out on his own in a new, unfamiliar galaxy. Things were a lot different here than they were where he came from. Even if he flew back through the warp and entered his own galaxy, chances were that the Empire would eventually catch up to him, and even manage to capture the fighter that he was using. The last thing we needed was for this Empire to get a hold of Federation technology. Still, his "escape" could look like he managed to steal one of our fighters and get the Empire off our back, for a time. I still felt as if the Empire would come after us anyway, though. If there was a rebellion against the Empire, there was a chance that, with a good PR machine, they could use the existence of the Federation to galvanize the forces in their own galaxy and come against us united as one fighting force. There were also a few things I wanted to know as well.

"Before I give an answer, I'll have to talk to the captain about your proposition, but first, I have a few questions. First, how popular is this rebellion against the Empire in your galaxy?"

Trinoya answered, "It's popularity is spread out among many races and systems. It's not so popular in the core worlds, but on the outer rim, it is gaining support since the destruction of the Death Star."

I considered Trinoya's answer. "If the Federation, or this galaxy, was discovered, what would be the chances of the galaxy uniting against us if the Empire decided to invade?"

"I don't know," Trinoya responded. "Again, it could be great, but it might also not be. After all, you merely defended yourselves. If anything, the rebellion would want your technology since it is so effective against the Empire's starships.

I nodded. "Okay, last question. Your power is called the Force, right?" Trinoya nodded. I then continued. "What would the Empire's reaction be if they discovered that I, a Federation citizen from Earth, a planet in another galaxy, had the ability to use this Force? Would they invade the Federation regardless of what happened if they learned about me, or potentially any others like me?"

Trinoya hesitated. "I don't know," he finally answered. "The Empire was quick to wipe out the Jedi Order, but they haven't gone after any other Force sects that I know of, yet. Still, your guess is as good as mine."

I assumed that they would. It would be foolish for us to blithely assume that they would simply ignore the Federation. Heck, even if Trinoya made a clean getaway, there was no guarantee that the Empire wouldn't invade. I then told Trinoya. "I'll take your request up with the captain. He'll have final authority on granting you a starfighter to make your run."

I then tapped my comm badge and said, "Commander Enterprise E to Captain JediMasterSpock. I would like to discuss with you a proposition that Trinoya, our Jedi guest, has made to me. If this works, we could potentially get a reprieve from our current situation."