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Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:25 pm
by Airlocke_Jedi_Knight
This is the prologue to A story that I am writing, please tell me what you think of it, and whether or not this story would be welcome on the forum.

In The Beginning

Earth hasn't always been as we know it. There was a time when magic ruled the world instead of technology. When arcane and heinous acts were more common than those born of benevolence. When dragons and other supposedly mythological beasts ruled over the lands, and humans simply tried to survive. At one point, human kind was on the verge of extinction, ready to plunge into the great beyond, never to be heard from again. The humans of the time were willing to go, they would trade anything to be rid of the suffering, but unforeseen event saved them and changed their lives forever.

An alien race came upon Earth in their explorations of the universe and observed the impending destruction of the human race. They were a peaceful people and could allow such an atrocity to occur, so, to prevent the extermination of a race of peoples, the aliens granted all of the beasts of the planet sentience. The beasts, upon “awakening”, were appalled at what they had so nearly done, and left the humans alone. Man had long since acquired the ability to think freely, but had been unable to mount any effective defenses because of their desperately depleted numbers. This no longer being the case, the humans thrived, building an advanced society and, before long, spread themselves across the planet. Satisfied with their accomplishment, the aliens left to continue their exploration. 1500 hundred years later, they returned.

The second coming of the “Race of Power”did not go as the aliens had planned. The human race waged war on the unnatural creatures, even receiving aid from the dragons and chimeras. The aliens tried for weeks to make peace with the humans, their patience, however, was not infinite. After one month of constant attacks, and too many innocent lives lost, the aliens returned hostilities. The “Unnatural Ones”, as the alliance of humans, dragons, and chimeras called the aliens, had many different “unnatural” abilities, and because of these abilities they quickly ended thousands of lives. Some of the aliens looked like humans, some looked distinctly alien. Their exteriors were indicative of their abilities and strengths, however, all species could reproduce with one another. The most feared species, by all members of the alliance, seemed to be the Magi. The Magi were a humanoid race, around 2 meters in height, with the women slightly shorter than the men. They were generally thin yet with finely cut muscles adorning their purple bodies, and long, dark hair spouting only from their head. They were strong enough to hurl enormous boulders and had strong magical abilities. Many had begun using arcane arts to destroy humans and dragons indiscriminately. It was from this race that the “Truce Maker” hailed.

The “Truce Maker” was an extraordinarily old and large member of the “Unnatural Ones'” council of elders. He was ancient even by the standard Magi lifespan of several thousand years, and despite traveling around and through several thousand galaxies, outliving every one in his life, surviving the wars before the “Time of Peace” in which he now lived, he appeared no older than a Magi youngling. It was because of his past experience of losing everything that he had loved that he strove for piece. He couldn't stand for it again. So, in an act of desperation, he used his unimaginable magical abilities and forged several magical artifacts, many instruments of war and many artful objects, all imbued with a different aspect of his persona and power, until he had very little strength left. This forging had brought him very near death, but he would recover, in a way. If he were ever to use a large amount of magic again, the act would finish him. For this reason, he needed to enlist the help of several apprentices, from several different species of aliens, to finish the ritual. He chose carefully, the ones who would help him, and together they called up a conference of all species involved in the war, those Earthborn and those not, and presented all of the leaders one of the magical objects. The “Truce Maker” then told all those present of his plan, and they agreed. The “Truce Maker”, together with his apprentices, began a long chant, a chant to cast the most powerful and binding of spells that would insure that there would never again be a war divided by races. There was not enough magic in existence to insure the complete absence of war, but this could be done. So on they chanted for several hours until, after an innocuous verse in the indescribable language, the “Truce Maker” stopped, followed by all of his apprentices, and there was peace.

After the completion of the spell, the twenty new owners of the “Items of Power”, one for each specie involved in the war(12 for the “unnatural ones” and for the earthbound species), celebrated with an unimagined vigor and elation. Their no longer existed a malevolence for different races. Their were no desire for blood, only for friendship. Another effect of the spell was the passing of the abilities of the “Unnatural Ones” to the Earthborn species. These abilities were not limited to magic. They also included helpful mutations of the body, as well as the ability to control certain elements and to project energy and thoughts from the body. The “Unnatural Ones” helped the Earthborn species learn to control their new abilities and an unprecedented friendship ensued, lasting long after the peace ended, 7 years later.

The amount of power that was needed to perform the “Spell of Peace” was phenomenal, and it was unimaginable that one person could cast it, yet, had the forging not consumed so much of the “Truce Maker”, he could have done it. However, because of that heavy toll, the “Truce Maker” had needed to gather twenty apprentices, who helped him to cast the spell. Such was the power of the enchantment, that 21 individuals were needed to create the needed magic. This is why it took the 15 traitorous apprentices 7 years to store enough energy to break the spell and to cast a new one after they had captured all of the “Items of Power” that were needed to bind the species to the spell. The new spell would make the mystical objects the ruling power of the world, and those who held them unstoppable. This would allow the apprentices to rule Earth for the all of eternity with impunity. Thing did not, however, go as they planned.

It was the seventh anniversary of the peace ceremony and was occasion for a massive celebration that mandated the attendance of all those who were at the ceremony, along with all else who wished to come. It was this obligation that made the celebration a convenient time and place for their planned treachery; it was also the reason that it failed. The “Truce Maker” and his five still faithful, one-time apprentices , were also obligated to attend the celebration. The traitors made their move, killing all those in possession of the artifacts and beginning their spell. The “Truce Makers” apprentices caught on quickly and began muttering a counter spell and summoned the five artifacts that were not being held by the traitors. They intended to curse the artifacts, making any who possessed them to die a violent death and to use the five that they had summoned as aid while they murdered the traitors. The apprentices did not care that they two would die, the “Truce Maker”, however, did. He began a spell of his own, altering the spell to save his former pupils. He succeeded.

The Artifacts would be a curse to all but the true owners, the ones who embodied all that the artifact was. To the true owners, the “Items of Power” would be all that they were meant to be: a symbol of piece and power. They would also make the owners near unstoppable, because they absorbed the power of all who died holding them.

After the spells were finished, the still faithful apprentices took on the traitors in battle. Airen, the most promising of all the “Truce Maker's” apprentices, watched two of his fellow faithful apprentices fall at the hands of one of the Traitors, Marcos, his closest rival in power. Airen used his artifact, the “Ring of Wisdom, drawing on all of the “Truce Maker's” wisdom and devised a strategy to kill Marcos. Airen drew his sword, “Arogog”, and engaged Marcos' “Sword of Power and Courage” , and quickly felled his opponent. He reached down and grabbed the magnificent weapon by the blade, about to flip it around and take the handle, take its curse and its power, and take as many of the traitors down as possible, before dying himself. He never executed the flip.

During the fight, the “Truce Maker” had been muttering a spell, he finished as Airen slew Marcos and took up his sword. The spell transported the four survivors away from the fight, and set them down halfway across the planet. Airen threw the “Sword of Power and Courage” aside in disgust as he listened to his masters last words. After he was gone, the three new masters left to find new homes.

Over the next 5 thousand years Airen, and his fellows, Johun and Kasiim, killed countless owners of the “Items of Power”, always leaving the items where they lay, and always regretting it when an evil entity found one. But nothing was regretted as thoroughly as Airen's desertion of the “Sword of Power and Courage” as it's path was always the most bloody, whether wielded by one of pure intentions or one of evil intentions. The pure killed the evil, and the evil killed all others. Such was the way of the world and of the sword. Gradually, the other sixteen items found their way to their true owners, all but the “Sword of Power and Courage”, it was the last by several hundred years. Eventually, Airen slew the most malevolent owner yet, Garontos, and kept the sword, never using it, waiting until he found the right owner. Eventually, he did.

He bestowed the sword the its rightful owner and trained him in all areas, insuring that he wouldn't misuse his power. Not all of the true owners were benevolent, and Airen trained the owner of the sword in hopes that their malevolence would be ended. It was known only to Airen, Johun, and Kasiim, that if the items were destroyed when a true owner died, they would be truly gone. This was the only way to end them. So, an epic war began, not only including the owners of the “Items of Power” but also including every race on Earth, divided by allegiances to the owners of the items. The war led to an epic final battle where all of the owners of the weapons, millions of other warriors, and several of the items themselves were destroyed.

All of the survivors, almost exclusively, but not entirely, humans, swore off the items, hiding and burying them around the world. They also swore off magic and their other abilities, isolating the chemicals in their brains that controlled them, and blocking them off. All in fear of another catastrophe like the one that had just occurred, and...the world advanced. The advanced in technology, it advanced socially and economically, until it turned into the present day world. The dragons and “Unnatural Ones” still exist, along with all of the other nonhuman species, shunted to a section of the world that only they occupy, blamed for the horrible catastrophe. All of man kind has forgotten that they exist, as have most of the species forgotten that they once lived freely with the humans. All of those that haven't forgotten accept what has happened, for they did cause it. The only ones race to still have that knowledge...are the Magi.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:04 pm
by l33telboi
I'd suggest adding a space between each paragraph. It makes the whole thing easier to read.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:59 pm
by Airlocke_Jedi_Knight
I didn't check it before I pasted it, but the paragraphs are supposed to be tabbed. (fixes)

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:37 pm
by l33telboi
Much better.